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On our way

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 4:44pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

897 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: en route back to Astrea
Timeline: MD 15...

Before the Sentinel entered New Sausalito's solar system they dropped out of warp at an out of place location and let the Holana disembark so that they would be able to arrive on their own a few hours ahead of the Sentinel.

Remy was feeling positive - happy that they had secured a way for Brunel to get the treatment that he needed. They would actually only be bending the rules a little. The Sentinel planned to take the family and the medical team outside of Federation space before the procedure began. Now that Remy and her team were back in the runabout and not actually carrying anything illegal themselves Remy accessed the reports over the last two days so that the three could get caught up en route back to Astrea. While she was at it a smile crossed her lips as she thought to send a message to Samuel. She had been surprised she found herself thinking about him when she was left alone and in complete darkness. She knew that Kas would do anything for her, but she'd brought him out there even though he had a child to worry about now.

Maybe it was the way he looked when she walked up on him in the holodeck fighting off dozens of assailants on some sort of stage, or the way he'd offered his ship when she told him what she was doing, but she'd found herself thinking she'd hope she'd see him on the other side. Wishing that he'd been her partner in crime or knight in shining armor. Not that she was any sort of princess who needed saving.

She looked over her shoulder to make sure that neither Kas nor Eirly were watching and she sent a quick note off to Samuel.

Samuel - We are on our way back now. I've missed a lot, so I'm going to be tied up for a bit when I get back. Thinking of you. - Remy

===USS Astrea, Sam's private office===

As Samuel looked over the list of damages the bar had received during the brief fight with the Atarans, his PADD beeped, indicating a message had been recieved. He smiled before even looking, recognizing the tone of the notification as belonging only to Remy. He picked up the device and opened the message. After reading it, he typed out a reply.


I'm glad your trip went well, and am looking forward to wrapping my arms around you again. I understand you have duties to attend to, my love. Do what you have to do. Then, when you are finished, I'd very much like to request at least 48 hours of you all to myself, if possible. ;-)

All my love,


He then sent the message, and smiled as he thought about the amazing woman in his life. She was truly one of a kind.

===USS Holana===

Remy saw the response when they were still en route back to Astrea, riding in the close quarters of the runabout's cockpit. She let out a little laugh before quickly closing the message, feeling a hot flush rise to her cheeks. She cleared her throat and pretended to be focusing on briefings until she was certain her face had returned to a normal color and neither Kas nor Eirly were paying attention to her.

She angled her PADD away from her two traveling companions before writing back.


As enticing an offer as that is, you're stuck sharing me with the ship. Dinner and a movie, my quarters. Tell your staff not to wait up.

Thinking of you,


===USS Astrea===

Samuel smiled again when he heard the familiar notification tone. After reading the message, he grinned even warmer.


As much as It grieves me, I accept your counter-offer. However, with the stipulation that, the next time the ship is on R&R, you and I go away for a few days, just the two of us. Only life-threatening ship's business will be allowed ;-).

You are the brightest star in my universe,


===USS Holana===

Remy smiled to herself, realizing that her facial expressions didn't exactly match the reports that she was supposed to be reading. She closed out the message and forced herself to put her little side conversation away while she caught herself up on the situation with the Atarans. Spello had managed to stop them uncomfortably close to the neutral zone. She should have realized they'd have that damn metal of theirs imbedded in their ballistics somehow. The captain chastised herself for not having science work on some kind of defense for that before leaving her XO vulnerable like that.

Her mood was growing more sour as she moved along to the damage summary. Engineering was in bad shape. The nacelle damage wasn't anything that could be done on their own. She was going to need to forward these reports to their fleet commander and figure out where they were to report for repairs.

"Scratched her already, that didn't take long," she murmured to herself as she pulled the reports together. The next leg of the trip soon became dedicated to contacting their fleet admiral and getting time in spacedock. It was shaping up to be a busy week... perhaps she'd been a little too optimistic in her earlier message.


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