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Side Quest

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 12:46pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD

1,463 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD -2 1500 hours (Shore Leave Day 5)

Captain Johansen had sent a message out to her Chiefs of Intelligence, Engineering, and Medical to convene in the conference room at 1500 hours. She'd asked her First Officer to arrive a half an hour before that so that she could at least fill him in on what Starfleet had sent over. After their meeting, she and Spello sat on the nearly empty Bridge waiting for the others to arrive.

"Hopefully none of them had anything too important planned for the last day of shore leave," Remy commented regretfully.

Maxun didn't mention that he and Chrysanthe had been enjoying the beach and other areas where they could be alone, down on the planet's surface. "I'm sure everyone will be the professionals that we know them to be, Ma'am."

"Of course they will, that's the Starfleet way," Remy agreed with a curt nod.

"I imagine, it will be quite a while until we partake in any ship-wide shore leave again?" He asked, then gave her a rueful grin. "Unless of course your XO breaks your ship again, that is."

"If he breaks it again anytime soon, I'll probably get a letter from Starfleet questioning my choice for XO," Remy replied, flashing him a smile so he'd know she was joking.

Chuckling softly, Maxun looked over at the starboard aft turbolift, as the doors opened, to see who was the first to arrive.

It usually wasn't a good sign to be summoned to the bridge as a physician. While some ships kept their CMO on the bridge, it seemed to be a dying tradition as they often were more effective in sickbay. Jezra felt a little bit of this as they left the turbolift, despite the assurance that there was no emergency, but a meeting... during shore leave. In any case, she was curious. Seeing the Captain and first officer nearby, watching the lift she had just come out of, Jezra gave a small smile and approached. "Captain, Commander," she greeted to each one respectively.

Maxun gave Jezra a friendly grin and nod if his head. "Doc," he replied simply.

Engineering Chief Nash Winters reported to the bridge and approached the command center. “Captain, Commander…you’ll be happy to know that my team has finally stabilized the slipstream drive. Took us long enough, but I think I figured out what was going on. The core was rerouting power from the reserves. Needless to say, the alignment errors have been corrected. Whenever you need it, slipstream will be ready. Anyway…. reporting as ordered, ma’am.”

Remy stood up as Nash approached her. "I'm glad you finally untangled whatever mess that engineer made. What was his name? It doesn't matter - write up the report, and let me add my name to it. I was not impressed with him at all."

“I believe it was Hurtz, Captain. Richard Hurtz. And I thought the same thing. Too narrow minded. Anyway, I’ll have it for you within the hour. I started on it before I came up here,” Nash said.

"I think we're just waiting on Lieutenant Cyn. Unfortunately, a project has come up that I want the three of you on. We can dive into greater detail once she arrives. Should we make our way to the conference room?" The captain suggested.

And, as if on cue, the turbolift doors opened to deposit the chief of intelligence onto the bridge. Her braided hair showed signs of being wind-blown and her cheeks glowed from being sun-kissed. She noted the movement towards the briefing room doors and set her path in that direction.

Nash nodded and followed Johansen and Spello into the conference room.

Remy stepped into the conference room and walked to the head of the table, noticing then that Lieutenant Cyn was walking in with the rest of the officers. While everyone found a seat, Remy began introductions. "Dr. Jezra Siv, I'm not sure who all you've had a chance to meet yet, Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn is our Chief Intelligence officer, and you might have gathered while we were on the Bridge, Lt. Commander Nash Winters, Chief Engineer."

“Hello, Doctor, have a seat and join the party,” Nash said in a friendly, but overall serious manner.

tag Cyn?

"Nice to meet you both," Jezra said to the two of them, taking a seat.

[OPEN TAG, intros]

"I'll get right to the point," Captain Johansen stated once everyone was settled. "Starfleet Intelligence has an assignment for Lieutenant Cyn that involves her going undercover on Freecloud. We apparently have an asset there who will point her in the direction of a Nausicaan trader who has been running illegal goods to a faction of the Breen government. We don't know where they are coming from, but allegedly they are gathering the ingredients for a biological weapon."

“First thing’s first, Captain. Cyn’s and the Doctor’s assignment is certainly clear. But… why me? I’ve little experience in covert ops,” Nash said.

"Maybe not, but you do have a background in chemical engineering, and the requisite security clearance for the mission. As far as covert operations go, this is as simple as it gets. You're just talking to people as anything but Starfleet. We aren't imbedding anyone into society there. You'll be just fine." Remy stated. "Lieutenant Cyn can give you some pointers. The ship you'll be taking is an older Vissian cruiser freighter that has been souped up a bit with some pieced together parts from a few different places. An engineer's dream, and meant to send the hint out that you're open to do business with a variety of sellers."

“Well, I appreciate that. I do have a knack for that kind of thing. Whatever happens, I hope we find what we’re looking for. How much time do we have? Is there a running clock on this mission?”, Nash’s interest was peaked when he asked the Captain.

"The sooner you can be ready to depart the better. The ship is docked here on the southern continent, ready when you are. Repairs here are on schedule, we should arriving ourselves just a few days behind you. Depending on where you are, will determine whether we make contact or not," Remy responded with a curt nod.

“Alright, then. When we’re done here, I need to tell my family….my children, that I have to go away for a few days. Cyn can sort out our cover stories a few hours. With your blessing, of course, Captain,” Nash said.

"Of course, there's some flexibility for everyone to get personal affairs in order," the Captain assired him.

Maxun looked over at Remy, silently wondering whom she will pick to lead he away mission.

"Lieutenant Cyn, Dr. Siv any concerns?" the Captain asked. "You do have a few in your departments this could be delegated to, if this mission poses any problems."

TAG open

"Okay, then seeing no objections, take these," Remy slid them each a PADD with more detailed information - which wasn't much, but did include information about Freecloud and where to likely find Nausicaan dealers. "I won't be going to the freighter with you, and we'll try to not have any communications with the ship if possible until we arrive. If there's an emergency though, don't hesitate."

"Commander Winters is ranking officer, but obviously you are all senior staff, and I'm sure will know where to defer to one another's expertise. Any other questions?" Remy asked, looking around the table.

Nash glanced at the text and images on the PADD and spoke first. “I hope this group of handsome Nausicaans are better behaved than the last ones I dealt with. How about it, Captain? Do you remember the handsome group of Nausicaans we met on Farius? I think they were brothers, or, cousins, or something. Pains in the ass, all of them. Without getting into the gory details, my friend, Remira, and our good Captain gave them a taste of their own medicine. I don’t recall who started it, but she helped me finish it.”

Remy shook her head, "We can relive that one over a drink sometime. As for this mission, the plan isn't for you to engage unless it's an emergency. I think you should keep the team small, but there are a couple of suggestions there for officers with requisite clearance and relevant skills and training."

"I don't want to hold anyone up on preparations, but Commander Spello and I are around to assist if you need anything," Remy stated. With a nod she added, "Dismissed."

“Thank you, Captain. I’m open to any of the suggestions you have. I’ll be in my quarters if anything comes up,” Nash said as he rose out of his chair and left the room.


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