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The Haunted Mansion: Part 3 (BACKPOST)

Posted on Sun Jan 5th, 2025 @ 12:35am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Fulvia & Civillian Samuel Wynters

1,651 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Happy Holidays
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Halloween Party...

Remy turned to Samuel, "Maybe you could chat Xalanth up a bit?" She asked. "I haven't really had a chance to talk to Fulvia, I'd like to try and girl chat for a minute." Though she knew she didn't need to, she looked at him with pleading eyes.

Samuel looked down into Remy's eyes, knowing that she was deliberately trying to use him to get what she wanted. Not in a bad way, but, using him still. Leaning closer, he whispered that he would exact his payment from her later. He then gently teased the side of her neck with his lips before straightening up and offering her his left elbow again. "Shall we?"

Remy approached Fulvia and Xalanth with Samuel in tow. "Well you guys look great. Have you taken the haunted house tour yet? This program is supposed to have some surprises upstairs."

"Thank you and no we haven't had a chance yet. Captain, Remy this is Fulvia my fourth. " Xalanth said gesturing to the former gladatrix by his side.

"You have a fine ship here captain. I'm sorry for borrowing my husband during shore leave but intel will be more than happy to have a syndicate cell leader in their custody." The blond intel officer added.

"Nice to finally meet you. I've heard a little bit about you. As far as the lieutenant and how he spends his shore leave. That's on him. I haven't received any complaints from Starfleet about unauthorized activity - though it would have been nice to have offered proper attention, should either of you needed support," Remy admitted.

"So do you plan to be with us long?" Remy asked. "I didn't know if I would be seeing any transfer requests from you."

"Permanently hopefully. I've applied for a transfer, but I take it Xalanth has explained the issue are family has?" Fulvia replied glancing over at her red mate.

"We touched on it," Remy said with a slow nod. "I think all three of the admirals assigned to our fleet are friendly, but I know for certain that one is. Now that I know you've put in, I'll reach out first thing in the morning and see if we can't make it happen before anyone up the chain has time to interfere," she added.

A smile spread over the manga romans face. " Thank you, Captain. It's been too long since I've held my girls. I know T'para and Lelani will be taking good care of them, but I long to see them again."

"It's counter to Starfleet's general policy to try and keep families together to have everyone split up like this. No one can say there isn't room on a Galaxy class. When was the last time you were together in person?" Remy asked.

"Three months ago when we managed to get shore leave together as a family. "Fulvia explained with a slight sigh. "All because some idiots in charge think Xalanth is some threat to the federation."

"We'll do what we can. They can't keep this up forever. It'll look suspicious on them. Really," Remy stated. "Are you guys enjoying the party? Have you had a chance to get to know much of the crew yet?"

" I agree captain and no I've not had much chance to meet the rest of the crew yet." Replied Fulvia.

"I don't want to stop you from mingling. Get to know a few folks. Have a look around. The program has a few surprises," Remy commented.

" Thank you captain and I'll be sure to mingle." The manga roman replied with a smile upon her face.

While the women talked, Samuel guided Xalanth to the side briefly and asked, "So, Mister Xalanth, which planet do your people call home?"

" Dragonian. " The lizard replied " A big ball of sand and wind orbating a binary system. She's not much but she's home or was. My home is where ever i can rest my head as long as my family near."

"Dragonian..." Samuel repeated in thoughtful contemplation. "That's in the Beta Quadrant, isn't it?" He cleared his throat and, as best he could with his mammalian voice box, uttered a simple greeting to Xalanth in his native tongue, albeit in a rough accent.

The lizard was about to reply till he heard one of the native tounges of his home world. " Very nice many have a problem with the shape of the neck being different. May I ask when you visited? My people only had our first contact around a decade ago. "

Samuel grinned softly. "My people have been wandering and observing this galaxy for many millennia. I was actually part of an observation team of your planet, during my first voyage into space."

" Must be something seeing a species that barely mastered iner system travel two decades ago out here in the galaxy. " Xakanth replied with a grin.

Samuel nodded and grinned. "I have to admit, it is an amazing feat, Sir. The only ones I've known to make such a similar leap, are the humans."

" Well, we had help from the sentient organic spaceships we managed to liberate from the Yor. " Xalanth added.

Samuel gave Xalanth a surprised look. "Now, that is something I have never heard about! The ships, themselves, were sentient? That's very interesting. What was their species named?"

" There queen calls themselves organoids." Xalanth explained. " She sadly doesn't know much. Her earliest memory is being ripped from her mother's larval chamber and having a bomb clamped on her spinal column. " He added shuddering slightly at that. The Yor were monsters in every definition of the term.

Samuel's face paled slightly at the Officer's words. "Are they still being held by the Yor? Perhaps we could file a petition with the Federation Council to step in on their behalf?!" He had a strong dislike for slavery. One of the things that his people had succeeded at, was that at the hight of their power, nearly half of the galaxy was free of slavery. He briefly wondered how things would have been today, had the Borg not become the threat that they are.

" Probably but we and they have no idea where the Yor's homeworld is. We managed to track the Yor fleet to a few systems over but the warp trial went cold from there. We've asked but no one else has seen them. It's like they vanished into thin air." Xalanth explained.

Samuel nodded thoughtfully. He was quiet for a few beats, before speaking again. "While I can't promise anything, I will send word to my various contacts. If the Yor are in either the Alpha or Beta quadrants, they won't be able to stay hidden for long." He gave the dragonoid a somber nod of his head, then noticed that both of their respective mates were headed back towards them. "If I hear anything, I will inform you immediately. "

" Thank you I'll appreciate it as will my people." Xalanth replied his tone showing that he really did. His people always paid their debts.

Samuel said nothing, simply dipping his head respectfully, as Remy and Fulvia rejoined the two men.

Fulvia smiled as Xalanth returned. Placing a kiss on the side of her husband's head. " Xalanth i was just telling Remy about how we first met. "

" Including how you stabbed me? " Xalanth chuckled happily in reply.

" Indeed. Starfleet intel does have a habit of dropping the ball when it comes to us. I was undercover trying to infiltrate a pirate gang. My backup was supposed to be a gorn intel agent, but intel had to grab my dearest husband. I was supposed to start a fight to prove how tough i was..."

"Which intel didn't tell me," Xalanth finished with a grin.

Samuel's eyes widened a bit at that bit of information. "I'm glad to see that you two got out of there without having to further injure each other." He reached out and gently put his left arm around Remy's back, his hand lightly resting on her left hip

Remy had only been half-listening to Samuel's conversation with Xalanth, though a few words had caught her attention. She'd have to look into the backstory on her own time. "Maybe we should make some rounds with the junior officers?" She suggested. "It was great talking with you both." Turning to Fulvia she added, "We'll get with Lieutenant Cyn about how you'd like to be more involved."

"Okay, time to meet some people who I don't know have had some face time with me yet, what do you say?" Remy said flashing Samuel a smile.

* * *

"What happened to your brother?" Malcolm asked realizing that they hadn't seen him in a while. "He didn't run off with Charlotte, did he?"

"You know what? That's a good question," Eirly responded as she looked around at everyone and noticed he wasn't there either. She shrugged, "I think a group of people were going into the haunted mansion and she may have been with them, so maybe he followed her? Who knows."

"Were you interested in checking that out?" Malcolm asked.

Her eyes went wide at the question, "Um, I'm not really a big fan of horror or scary stuff like that, but I guess that as long as I've got my knight in shining armour with me, I could go check it out?"

Malcolm put a protective arm around her. "Totally up to you. We don't have to go, but if we do, I've no problem holding you close."

"And that's why I love you," She replied with a sweet smile as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. A deep breath in and out, "Shall we go then?"

"Right this way, my lady," Malcom responded and he guided her over to the stairs." Neither could hear the evil laughter of the cryptkeeper who was torturing the junior officers who had started the haunted tour before them.


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