Freecloud's Getting Even More Crowded
Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 8:07pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren
Edited on on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 7:23pm
1,637 words; about a 8 minute read
Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: Bridge, USS Astrea
Timeline: MD: 1 0700 Hours
Lieutenant Cyn's team had managed to contact an individual who had intercepted communications between the Nausicaans and the Kzinti who were clearly attempting to broker some kind of high stakes deal. They now had the individual on board, as he had sought out their protection. He had brought proof of the communications, and that the deal was likely imminent and occurring in the vicinity of Freecloud. The intercept didn't mention what the deal was for, but Nor had been certain about what he had overheard that prompted him to attempt a potentially dangerous intercept in the first place. The Breen were buyers for a biological weapon, and the Nausicaans were the middle-men trying to sell it.
As if the mission weren't complicated enough in itself, while the team was investigating the lead, they encountered another illegal deal being negotiated. This one involved the Pakleds, and a Starfleet vessel that had been missing for almost a decade.
Astrea maintained it's distance out of Freecloud's sensors and all shifts were on high alert. Lt. Commander Kas had taken a team out in his private shuttle, a Quath'Mar runabout to monitor the planet from standard orbit.
Crewman Enam had gladly taken the night watch on board the Holana. As a petty officer it came with the territory. But also, having Keena on board reminded him of those tender years with his own daughter who was now grown and out of the house, and he'd wanted to make sure Kas could have some time with her in the early morning. He'd noticed that around 0400 hours Federation Standard Time that more ships had started to trickle in and arrive to Freecloud. He didn't pick up on the pattern until around 0600, and was currently scanning itineraries on the planet, trying to see if there was anything scheduled that would draw a crowd.
Xalanth had taken the security position on the Holana for the night shift. His thoughts were with the mate who was currently planet side, but if there was anyone who could handle herself it was his magna roman. His yellow eyes were currently locked on the list of ship registrations seeing if anything looked suspicious. Well more suspicious than any ships visiting this world would normally be.
"Lieutenant, I just noticed, but we seem to have a pick-up in activity over the last 2.5 hours. 100% increase in ships arriving compared to the other 40 hours we've been here. Could be nothing, I know that's not a huge time period to work off of for data. Might just be a busy time of week," Nemec said from his station.
"Bring us to yellow alert." The red lizard replied. " Try and get the data from the local comms boys see if ships sending arrival and leaving messages matched the traffic over the previous weeks."
“Belay that order,” Kas said as stepped into the cockpit. “Our transponder code is that of a Selay merchant vessel.”
Kas moved over to the auxiliary station and pressed a few buttons. I'm adjusting our shield harmonics to match our transponder signal. We don't want to call any unnecessary attention to ourselves."
Xalanth brought up the data and scanned it his yellow eyes darting across the screen. " Nothing like this for the past four week commander, " he said to Kas.
Twenty-four hours after arriving to Freecloud, the Astea still remained out of range of the planet while the Holana served as an intermediary between the away teams and the ship. The away team was following leads that seemed like they may lead to the person who was selling parts of the USS Dalton while the Astrea was monitoring space traffic with the hopes of intercepting any deals that would help them recover the missing ship.
Early in the morning on Day 2, Delta shift started noticing some increased flight activity in the area. It was still busy when Alpha shift took over at 0700 hours, though nothing noteworthy had come to their attention just yet. Most of the shift was already in position by the time that Captain Johansen walked onto the Bridge right after shift change.
As was his routine, Maxun entered the bridge a full thirty minutes before the Captain was scheduled to take over command of the shift. He did so, to get up-to-speed on any developments that had occurred overnight. He then took his seat and logged into the computer, and checked to see if he had any messages that required his immediate attention.
As Maxun was checking the computer he received an incoming encrypted message from the Holana. [Increased traffic arriving at planet since aproximately 0400 Hours. Primarily private ships. Searching for activities that may attract crowds.]
Upon reading the message, Maxun glanced up at the junior officer, who was standing the Delta Shift Tactical Station, and told her to send an encoded reply to the Holana, indicating that their message was recieved, and that they are to proceed carefully, informing the Astrea of any changes before they react, if possible." He was aware that, as they were operating in an undercover situation, the crew of the Holana might have to react to a sudden change of situations on their end, in order to keep their covers intact.
"How are things looking out there?" Remy asked as she stepped off of the turbolift a short while later.
"Traffic into the system has increased in the last few hours. All systems normal. I have the tactical analysis' available for you." Clay was the first to speak, turning from his station to give the captain his full attention.
Maxun spoke next. "Before the Major had assumed his post, I received the same information from the Holana, via an encoded message. I had an encoded message sent back to them, informing them that their message had been received and that they were to proceed as they were, informing us of any changes, as they were able."
"Number One, get a hold of Lieutenant Cyn and tell her it looks like things are running ahead of schedule. I want you to prepare a team to go back to the surface," the Captain ordered.
Maxun nodded, then turned back to his console, sending out the notification to the ship's Chief Intelligence Officer. He then stood up and addressed Remy. "I'll head down and collect the team into transporter room two, Captain." He then made his way off the bridge to carry out her orders.
"Major McEntyre, consider that this could easily turn into an extraction scenario. Prepare a team for undercover security. Take what you need, but no more," the Captain said turning to the Marine CO.
"Aye, Aye." The Caitian nodded and got up and headed for the turbolift to collect his gear.
The captain gave a serious nod to the first officer and marine commander as the turbolift doors. She then tapped her commbadge, =^=Captain Johansen to Engineering =^=
=^=Nash=^=, the engineer said curtly. =^= Go ahead, Captain. What can I do for you?=^=
Remy smiled and the engineering chief's informality. =^=Commander, a few things actually. It is starting to get a little busy around Freecloud. We may eventually have to move in and make our presence known, but until then I want to make sure we're well enough of everyone's sensors. Can you patch in to what we've got and make sure we're good. Also, once we've checked in on that, start analyzing them for any modifications. Make sure they are who they say they look like they are. You know what I mean. =^=
When Remy was a young officer, Nash was the engineer who had made such modifications to ship her team used in an undercover operation. She trusted that he knew what to look for better than anyone.
Nash tried to stifle a laugh. =^=Understood. Let me see what I can find. I’ll get you a report within the hour. Nash out.=^=
Captain Johansen was still thinking of making sure their position stayed as covert as possible. The Holana was not a Federation vessel, and had the pleasure of being cloaked, but Astrea had no such luxury.
"Ensign Cha'joga, lay in a course. One-quarter impulse, let's get further out from the planet, and do what we can to avoid any incoming traffic," Remy ordered.
"Aye, captain. One quarter impulse." Cha'joga seemed very, very happy indeed to be getting something to do as she maneuvred the Astrea away.
After a minute or so, the Captain had a thought. "Ensign Cha'joga. Are you comfortable with reconnaissance, potential ground combat, close quarters contact?" Remy asked.
The look of pure, unbridled excitement that instantly blossomed across the Klingon's features having heard that was, quite possibly, unrivalled in magnitude. She was clearly fighting back the urge to beam a toothy Klingon grin as she swivelled round to look at the captain. "I am not especially good at any of those things, but I am willing to lend a hand if need be." She responded. "Will I be needed to perform such functions, ma'am?"
"The Marines are taking a team down to Freecloud and they are going to need a pilot. That would be your primary function if you went along, but they'll need someone who can at least keep up," the captain replied. "Do you think you are up for it?"
"I would be pleased, ma'am. When do I leave?" Cha'joga raised an eyebrow. It should come as no surprise that when you offer to let a Klingon do Klingon things, said Klingon gets really excited. Well, duh. Maybe Cha'joga really, really needed to stretch her limbs.
"Excellent, Ensign. Meet Major McEntyre in the main shuttlebay. I'll let him know you are on your way," Remy replied.
~tbc to: Situation Report