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Side Quest Ep. 3: Making a break for it

Posted on Thu Dec 26th, 2024 @ 8:16pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD
Edited on on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 12:05am

2,108 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: Far Reach Saloon, Freecloud
Timeline: MD 0, 1345 Hours (After Part 2)

When T'lenn and Nash arrived back at the market they saw no sign of their colleagues. As they searched the area, T'lenn also listened carefully, filtering out voices among the crowd to see if she could hear either of their crewmates. As it became evident that they were not likely in the market T'lenn spoke up.

"Wryn mentioned a place called The Lost Planet. We should go there," she suggested.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s a popular spot. Should not be hard to find. Let’s hope our friend can make contact this guy. There’s something up there a few meters on the left.”

Nash and T’Lenn continued their trek looking for the rendezvous point. Just as he estimated, Nash and his faux Romulan colleague came to an establishment 3.5 meters from their previous position.

“Far Reach Saloon, Ael. This could be it, the other spots look too crowded. I bet Wryn is inside. Come on,” Nash/Malone suggested.

T'lenn followed Nash inside the bar. The old-time bar was somewhat busy, but overly crowded, the crowd was a seeming mixture of locals and tourists here for niche atmosphere of aged wooden furniture, an actual piano, and bartenders that dressed the part.

"I do not see Wryn or Adri," T'lenn commented.

“Might as well just wait, then. Nowhere else for us to go,” Nash said. He kept his voice low. Despite the crowd noise, he was worried about eavesdroppers. “Keep your eyes and ears open to look for our Bajoran hybrid friend. Want to order something while we wait? I can get drinks from the bar.”

"That is acceptable. Something with a rather low alcohol content. We should stay alert. They probably do not serve synthahol here," T'lenn responded.

“Yeah, that’s a safe bet. I’ll see what I can do.” Nash went up to the bar and raised his hand to get the bartender’s attention. “Aldebaran whiskey and a gin fizz. Heavy on the fizz, light on the gin. I know….I’ll pay full price.”

About three minutes later Nash returned to the table with the drinks. “Try this. It’s gin with some sugar and carbonated water. I asked the bartender to water it down. It’s sweet. May not taste the alcohol at all.”

T'lenn raised her eyebrows as Nash handed her the beverage. "Thank you," she said, taking the beverage from him without taking a drink. "I suppose we should engage in small talk to as to not look suspicious."

“A wise precaution. I hope we can get this operation over with soon. I miss my kids…..Ael. So I understand you’ve been seeing someone. Jason Williams from the fighter squadron? It’s a small ship, you know. People talk. Ran into him a couple times at the bar, don’t really know him all that well. How is it going with him?"

"He proposed during shore leave," T'lenn responded. "I have agreed to marry him, though I am contemplating countering with a more formal proposal before too many formal wedding plans are put into place. His gesture was rather spontaneous, as his nature. However, I believe he would appreciate a token pendant from my culture. He is a bit of a romantic."

“PRO….!,”. Nash caught himself before he raised his voice too loud. “Proposed? T’Lenn, that’s amazing.” He squeezed her hand in a gesture of support and friendship. “Congratulations. I hope that he makes you happy. For whatever ceremony or official commemoration takes place, we’ll be there. Sara, Alex, Brunel, all of us. Save me a dance, will ya? I’m sure your fiancée won’t mind. I’m really happy for you, my friend.”

“How long do we wait this guy out before we give up?” he asked his colleague.

"Remember to use our fictitious names," T'lenn cautioned quietly. "It is possible our companions are already meeting with him. We were gone for longer than we intended. Waiting for us would not have been logical."

“I wouldn’t worry too much…….Ael. It’s much too noisy for us to be discovered or overheard. I thought this was the point of contact for Nor. Maybe there’s some concealed location where the meeting is taking place. We probably shouldn’t stay here too long. Could raise suspicions. Is it worth the risk using comms? We need to find our companions.”

In the backroom Nor sat up straighter when Wryn accepted his offer, seemingly surprised. "I have a bag upstairs. I thought it wise to not return to my flat since contacting Starfleet, and I have no intentions to. Obtaining that information wasn't easy. I tried to cover my tracks, but I know better than to be too confident."

"Do you feel safe going to get it? I can bring it back for you if you tell me where to go," Wryn suggested. "Adri can keep you company..."

"Oh yes, that should be fine. My flat is in a completely different part of town, the owner here is very discreet." Nor stood up and looked suspiciously at the two women. "Perhaps I could do with an escort. I don't want to get left behind."

"I can do it," Adri offered, standing with Nor. The adrenaline side of her was speaking slightly more than the logical side, but she was sure to keep it in check.

Wryn also got to her feet, stepping close to Nor. "We wouldn't leave you behind," she said, her voice soothed, "I need what's in your delightful brain and I owe you payment. I'm not one to go back on my word." He towered over her in height, but her charisma evened them out. With one hand on his back and the other gesturing to the door, she moved the party towards the nearest stairs. She scouted ahead momentarily to make sure the path was clear and motioned for the others to follow.

T'lenn was concerned that they were inside a building that may not be the location of the meet. As the crowd started thinning after the lunch hour she spoke up. "We were supposed to receive a location after arrival, and we broke from the others before hearing from the contact. Perhaps we should sit outside. If they exit from another bar, it will be easier for us to locate one another," she suggested.

“Alright. I saw some makeshift benches out front. Find a place to sit. I will follow you out. I don’t think we had a tail, but I want to make sure,” Nash said. He was out of his comfort zone, but he knew the importance of the overall mission.

T’Lenn stood up to step outside when she saw Cyn first, who was being followed by a Bajoran/Cardassian hybrid and Siv. They were coming from a hallway inside the bar.

"Co-Malone, I see our friends," she stated.

“Mmm-hmm. And that looks like Nor with them. Let’s see where they go. We’ll follow and introduce ourselves.”

Once they stepped into the open bar, Nor pointed toward a door in a different corner of the bar. "The stairs are just behind that door over there. It will take me less than minute," the hybrid promised. He started walking toward the door, keeping a casual pace.

Nash quickly caught up with Cyn/Wryn and approached before she disappeared behind the door with Nor. He exchanged looks with T’Lenn and Cyn before blocking the doorway.

“Sorry we’re a little late for the party. Mr. Nor…. about damn time. Wryn….Adri…. glad we finally caught up with each other. This is my associate Ael. My name is Malone. Well, now that we have you, don’t let us interrupt. You have some information for us in here,” Nash/Malone said pointing his thumb at the door. “After you.”

Wryn grabbed Malone's arm, forcefully moving him out of the door, freeing it for Nor to pass. Was this guy serious? "Why not just send up a fucking flare to make sure everyone notices?" She used a hushed but harsh voice. "Where the hell have you been?"

“Hi, it’s good to see you, sweetheart,” Nash joked. He then looked Cyn in the eye as if he were communicating telepathically. He gave a barely noticeable nod to make sure she went along. With his free arm, Nash/Malone pulled Cyn in by her shoulder and gave her long, slow, deeply sensual kiss.

Cyn could read most people, but this came as a complete surprise to her – a complete, unwelcome surprise.

“Mmmm… very nice. And you smell good, too.” He traced her full lips with his finger and said, “No harm, no foul, sister. We got detoured…. well, more like lost. We got separated and Ael couldn’t find her way back. I’m here now, baby. Come on, let’s see what this guy has for us.”

Wryn slapped him across the cheek. It was not a "stage slap." The impression of her fingers quickly marked his face. "No, you're too late to the party for that. Thanks so much for your reckless abandon of discretion. I hope you can run faster than a Nausicaan."

She looked back to the narrow staircase to make sure Nor and Adri were returning with his bag. She could hear the change in atmosphere around the room and she was itching to get back to the ship as soon as possible. The patrons had thinned since she and Adri had first arrived, making it easy to tell that they were observed. "Come on, we've got to go," she pointed the direction, then took the lead to leave.

Nor hadn't lied, he and Adri returned just a few seconds later, Nor had put on a jacket and a cross body bag.

"We're good," Adri confirmed, not breaking their stride as they followed Cyn's lead. Nor was close by her side.

T'lenn had remained quiet during the exchange between Nash and Cyn - Malone and Wryn, instead she hung back from the altercation and listened for any whispers of suspicion that may have been caused by attention being drawn to the group.

Passing the barkeeper, Cyn stopped and pulled a handful of currency from her pocket. “I need a head start,” she said while he hit a button under the counter. Any comms open in the Saloon were now blocked.

“Ten minutes,” he agreed while accepting the coins.

“This way,” Cyn returned to one of the obscured halls and opened a door that led to a basement-level tunnel. It wasn’t too long, but it would empty them out to a busier section of the bazaar where they could possibly blend into the crowd and get back to the ship without much trouble. “Sorry about Malone,” she said to Nor as he ducked his head under the doorframe. “He is with me...” she confirmed.

Nash/Malone quietly fumed and mumbled under his breath. “Don’t mind me, I’m just the hired help. Fuck me.” Despite being inexperienced with this undercover business, he would not apologize for what he did. There no danger of being discovered and there was too much ambient noise to decipher his conversations with T’Lenn, Cyn, and Nor. Cyn would get over it. It would just take some time.

The path was dark, “Keep going forward until you reach a door,” she instructed, staying at the back to close the door and make sure they were not followed.

Before the door opened onto the plaza, Cyn instructed, “Straight to the dock. If you play any games, I’m leaving you on this planet.”

"Understood, no games from me. I assure you," Nor replied quietly as the group left the bar. T'lenn gestured for Nash to join her as she took lead, noticing that Cyn was hanging back.

Nash saw T’Lenn’s signal and took her side as they walked. “I shouldn’t let her get to me, but I did,” he said quietly. “She’s exaggerating, Ael. No one’s going to figure out what’s going on behind the scenes. I’m just trying to play my role here.”

"I believe we should trust her instincts and not speak too much until we get to our location," T'lenn stated. "We should appear casual." T'lenn tried to set a pace that would keep them moving, but would not make it appear as though they were attempting to flee the area.

~ tbc at Side Quest Ep. 4: Not Quite a Clean Break ~


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