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A Festival of Lights and Yuletide Celebrations

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2024 @ 5:05pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civilian Alexandra Winters & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

1,969 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Happy Holidays
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: 12 days before Christmas....

With the multitude of holidays celebrated by many different cultures at the end of the year, certain areas of the USS Astrea had become quite festive.

The arboretum was lit up with twinkling lights and decorations paying homage to religious and pagan traditions from several different worlds. Carols played almost around the clock with the option for crew to sign up for live performances throughout the month. Santa Claus, and various other iterations made special scheduled appearances so that the children could be sure to visit, and it wasn't unheard of to see surprise sightings around the ship.

Akadians, like most cultures had their version of Christmas, it wasn't as widespread or universal as the Terran holiday, but it was popular. Osirin who was fascinating by other cultures, stepped inside and smiled. It didn't take him back to his childhood , there were too many differences, but it was nice.

He grabbed a mug of hot chocolate and started to walk around.

Dani and Charlotte were enjoying cups of hot chocolate and gossiping near a Christmas tree. They had picked a spot where they could hear the carol singers, but the sound was far enough away to be more background noise. Charlotte noticed Osirin walking by and remembered him from the Halloween party.

"Osirin, hello!" She called out with a wave.

Dani smiled and waved, "Hey, good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too." Osirin greeted, Terran holidays are very interesting."

"What are holidays like on Arkadia?" Dani asked.

Samuel entered the Arboretum and smiled. He had always enjoyed how festive the Humans, especially, got into celebrating their various holidays. There was an almost innocent, childlike wonder, that seemed to come to the surface during this holiday in particular, even when there was only about half of Earth's native, Human, population, that actually celebrated Christmas. He casually strolled the path, as he awaited Remy's arrival.

Chrys had chosen to be seen this time, dressing in a dark red dress with low heals as she waited for Max to get there. She grabbed a glass of mulled wine and wandered about.

Maxun arrived a few moments later. He was dressed in a dark blue suit, and was busy studying a PADD as he walked. Once he entered the Arboretum, he paused when a passing waiter offered him a glass of wine. Looking up, he smiled and took the glass, giving the waiter a polite nod. He then looked around at the various decorations and food tables set up. He eyes stopped moving, when they caught sight of Chrysanthe, wearing a dress that seemed to have been made just for her body. A smile filled with admiration, love and a bit of just, filled his face as he moved over to where she was standing.

"I must say, that dress should be labeled as a dangerous weapon, my love." He whispered as he leaned in to kiss her on her cheek. "You look amazing!"

Chrys gave him a smile and sipped her drink. "I thought you would enjoy it," she replied. "How was your day?"

He gave her a look, which seemed to say he knew that she knew what she was doing to him. However, as they were in public, he behaved himself. Taking a sip of his own wine. He then replied to her question. "Typical busy day of being the Executive Officer of a large and powerful starship. Various personnel issues to deal with, reports to read and file. However, no one is currently firing at the there's that." He grinned as he finished speaking. He then looked her over again, seemingly taking much-needed sustenance by simply looking at her. "Although, it has definitely become vastly more enjoyable, during the last thirty seconds." He took another sip of his drink, then asked in reply, "And yours?"

"Stopped someone from blowing up the ship," She replied with a smile. "Experiments are often unpredictable. Other than that, paperwork."

Maxun nodded, having read the report about the near explosion earlier. "I trust you have put the required safeties in place to ensure the same type of issue doesn't occur again?" He offered his left arm to Chrysanthe as he spoke.

Chrys gave him an innocent look. "Why would I do that? Failure is fun to watch," she teased. She then looped her arm through his, with a grin.

Maxun gave her a playful scowl aa he leaned in closer and whispered his reply. "Because if it happens again, I might have to spank you, young lady."

She laughed "Promises promises, come Commander, lets mingle." She drew Max further into the room.

Kas entered the room and surveyed his surroundings. The large Hybrid was wearing an earth-colored tunic and a Quath’Mar garment similar to what the humans called a kilt. He wore a leather headband with an emerald jewel on his forehead. The braids in his hair were dyed green, and he had painted an intricate design on his face. His people would be observing a holiday this time of year as well.

Kas nodded at Maxun and Chrys, but they didn’t look like they wanted company so he went to get himself a drink.

The door slid open and in stepped Xalanth and Fulia. Xalanth was dressed simply in a red shirt with several child hand prints woven into the fabric clearly his daughters. Fulvia was in a simple red dress and red heels. The ship's red security officer held a wooden decorated box in his hand and a smile on his face as did his mate.

Malcolm took a hold of Eirly's hand, interlocking his fingers with hers as he led her toward the festive promenade. "Want to take a look at what they have done here?" He asked.

Eirly looked down at their hands intertwined and then back up at him before smiling widely and nodding, "I didn't get all dolled up for no reason, did I?" She had chosen a red knee length fitted dress with a short white jacket and heels, and her was curled nicely to frame her face, "One thing you'll learn is that this is probably my most favourite time of the year!"

"Why am I not surprised to hear that," Malcolm responded. "Are you going to tell me what you want for Christmas this year or do I need to deploy the elves to find out for me?"

"I don't need anything, all I want is everyone I love to be happy and in good health for it," Eirly replied as they walked. It was true: there wasn't anything she wanted or needed in particular because she was happy just being able to spend it with him and Kasper.

"I hafta to do somethin' for you. You always do so much for everyone else," Malcolm replied.

Eirly simply smiled, "Whatever you get me, I'll love it. So stop stressing, my love. I already know what I'm getting you, so I hope you'll like it."

"I know I will, which is why I'm so nervous about mucking up my part this year," Malcolm replied. He tried to keep his tone half serious, but he was actually a little nervous.

Captain Johansen approached the Arboretum from Deck 6 where you could overlook most of the main arboretum. She spotted some of the junior officers together and noted Kas was there without Keena which surprised her. She also spotted Samuel who was likely waiting on her and crafted out an approach that would take her by Kas on her way to meet up with Samuel before she took the stairs down to the main level of the arboretum. She walked at a quick pace in hopes that no one would take a major detour before she caught up to them.

As she caught up to Kas she called out his name. "Hey Kas. I'm surprised to see you here without the munchkin. Meeting someone?" Remy asked as she approached.

“Keena is at a birthday party for one of her classmates.” Kas took a sip of his spiced wine.“She spent a week working on a clay sculpture for his gift. I think there may be a young romance brewing. As for me Bella said she wants to meet here.”

Kas had a neutral expression on his face, "if you have any emergency assignments for me, I would understand."

"No assignments. Just out enjoying the promenade like everyone else this evening," Remy responded. "I hope you have a good evening. You're meeting Bella, or Bella is introducing you to someone?"

“Bella seems to have it in her head that it's time for me to socialize more,” Kas sighed. “She's taken to introducing me to single women.”

"Hey, that's fun," responded. "You weren't hoping for a work emergency were you?" She asked with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“Don't encourage her,” A slight smile broke through Kas's neutral expression. “Bella means well but I don't need matchmaker, I don't know if I want to bring anyone else into the wonderful chaos that life has become.”

Kas broke eye contact and looked up at the artificial night sky. 

"It doesn't hurt to meet new people," Remy said gently. "A lot of single parents date, but can choose to take as long as they want before introducing the other person to their child."

Kas took a moment to reflect on Remy's words, she was right. He's still found Bella's fixation on his love annoying, however forming bonds in his current ‘tribe’ is important. He knew that Rahl would want live his life.

“You speak the truth my dear friend.” Kas said as put a hand on the Captain's shoulder. “I will endeavor to enjoy the evening."

"I'm sure you will. We'll catch up later," Remy said with a smile.

Placing the box down on a table Xalanth slid open the hatch. Taking out one of the leather-bound cylindrical packages he turned to his mate he smiled gently brushing a strand of hair out of her face. " My love i grant you the first." He said as he handed the small cylinder. The Nova Roman smiled as she gently rubbed her head against her mate's raptor-like head in a draconian kiss. Smiling the lizard left his mate's side picking up a few of the cylinders and headed off to talk to his shipmates.

Seeing the captain Xalanth smiled as he walked up to her. " Greetings captain. I hope you don't mind but i have a gift for you." He said politely holding out one of the packages which seemed to be wrapped in some kind of leather.

"Thank you, Xalanth," Remy said graciously. "Am I supposed to open it now or later?"

"Whenever you like." Xalanth replied with a warm smile upon his face.

Remy took special care as she opened the package.

Inside the package was what appeared to be a cylinder made from some alien gemstone. It was made from two parts which could be screwed open and shut. A crystal clear water sat a quarter full of the bottom part. The upper section was more of a mystery till one saw a drop of water fall from the top into the bottom. It was a moisture trap.

"A soul water drinking flask." Xalanth said with a warm smile. "It's customary for my people to gift them to new tribe mates. As long as you keep it in clean it should never stop producing water."

"Wow, this is so special. I've never seen anything quite like it. Thank you," Remy said as she admired the construction.

Xalanth smiled as he wandered the party handing out his gifts. It felt refreshing seeing the people who he hoped would end up feeling like family.


~Seasons Greetings from the Astrea crew!~


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