Rockin' Christmas Party Part 2, Public Displays of Affection
Posted on Mon Jan 27th, 2025 @ 2:39am by Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D & Ensign Tyler Williams & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III & Ensign S'Niri & Ensign Dani Harper & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Civilian Aya Pyxx
Edited on on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 7:47am
1,170 words; about a 6 minute read
Happy Holidays
Location: Aft Lounge, Deck 10
Timeline: Christmas Night, After Part 1
As the party continued, the doors to the lounge slid open again, and in stepped the young Bolian woman, Aya Pixx. She had heard that it was going to be a party with only junior-ranked officers, some enlisted and even some of the young civilian contract employees, like herself. She hadn't even been to a Christmas party before, though she had heard about them. Same with this type of party, called a white rhino, or some other large Earth land herbivore. She couldn't remember.
She did find a gift that fell into the requested level for the party, and had even wrapped it herself. Now, she was standing by the entrance to the lounge, dressed in a very flattering and appropriate coral blouse, with a green pencil skirt. She finished the look with yellow, four-inch stilettos. As she stood there, she looked about, trying to find a familiar face.
"Aya!" Charlotte held her hand high and briefly left the group crossing the floor to greet her Bolian friend who typically worked in the forward lounge. "You made it! Here grab a drink and come along," Charlotte picked up two cups of punch off the table, one to replenish her old drink and one for Aya. "You might have met most of the people over here, but I'll introduce you anyway."
Aya's features brightened when she saw her friend, Charlotte. "Hi!" She said happily. Then, taking the offered drink, she followed Charlotte back to the group. "Um, where do I put this," she asked as they walked across the dance floor, holding up the gift in her right hand.
"Oh here, just under the tree in the corner. It doesn't matter who brought what," Charlotte said. "I'll take it for you. Hold my drink." Charlotte traded the gift for the drink and jogged back toward the tree and ran back through the crowd and retrieved her drink.
"Sorry bout that. So where were we. You know Kash and Dani, right?" Char said pointing to the Andorian male and Orion female. "S'Niri, Tyler, Osirin... And this is Kasper," she said gesturing to Kasper last. She thought about referring to him as her date, but then realized they hadn't really defined it at that, so she left his introduction where it was.
Kasper frowned at her introduction but understood her reasoning. It gave him an idea that required some liquid courage, so he disappeared from her side to go and get it.
Aya smiled and nodded to each person as they were named, giving Kash, Dani and S'Niri a look of recognition. For the rest, she offered her hand in greeting as they were introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She glanced about the group, and added, "I take it, I'm the only civilian here?"
"At the party, no way," Dani said. "In this tiny circle, technically, but we're all off duty. Osirin's not Starfleet. He's here on exchange. And we're all different departments, so it's not like we even work together really."
"Except for us," Tyler said as he finished his drink and looked at S'Niri. He was fairly sure she'd kick his ass again if they sparred again, but that's what he liked about her.
Aya smiled again, noticing the look that Tyler gave S'Niri. It was clear to her that he felt quite strongly about her. Aya hoped that one day, she'd find someone who would look at her with the same level of devotion.
Shaking herself from the thought, she asked, "So, I'm a bit confused. While I think I understand the Human holiday of Christmas, what does a white rhino have to do with it? Are those animals imbued with special powers or abilities?"
"It's a human expression. Charlie probably knows." S'Niri murmured through a mouthful of what appeared to be yet another huge leg of turkey. "So. Tyler. How long has it been, and why haven't you said anything?" She queried, waving lazily at the other somewhat taller man next to him. "I saw that, by the way. The hug. It was adorable."
Charlie smiled at Aya, "Not really, but I can try. It doesn't have much of a meaning really, I don't think."
Although he knew she meant well, Tyler still tensed and downed the rest of his drink, "It was all Osirin on that one, but I uh, didn't know what to tell you except that I..." he looked down at the empty glass, "You know what? I need another drink. I'll be right back." He excused himself and walked back over to the bar.
Osirin looked S'Niri up and down appraisingly, standing up a little straighter. "You know you're making my friend uncomfortable. I don't know much about your people, but I'm pretty sure what you're doing is not okay."
"It's called teasing, which is entirely normal between friends even not where I'm from, and which I'm sure even you have encountered before. And second of all, I ask because I'm happy for him, and so that I can congratulate him after I smack him with my tail. Don't overthink it, big boy." S'Niri smiled a feline smile and padded over to Tyler at the bar. However these two were actually related, she was certainly pleased that he'd met someone who was willing to stand and protect him because they cared.
"Ty? You alright, big guy?" She asked, visibly concerned, as she neared him. "Didn't mean to make ya uncomfortable."
"It's fine, don't worry about it." Tyler waved her off with a half smile as he was starting to feel the real alcohol taking effect. He was happier hanging out by the bar at this stage, although the idea of leaving was sounding better and better.
"You sure? You did say 'I'll be right back,' you know. Which makes me a little worried." S'Niri stabbed a thumb back in the direction of the group with a saber-toothed feline smile. "Don't keep us waiting too long, will you?"
"I promise. I just needed another drink, that's all," he held up the fresh glass. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be back over." He lied.
Kash stayed quiet, but he had been listening to the exchange with moderate concern. He didn't know Tyler all that well, but it seemed that Osirin cared about him. And... Kash couldn't help but still care for Osirin despite himself.
The party continued to get busier, and the lounge began to fill up, a crowd of people now partially obscured the view from where Tyler stood at the bar to the friend group he'd just left. It seemed that every junior officer had decided to stop by and bring their dates if they had them.
Part 2 by:
Lt. J.G. Kasper Andersen, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Astrea
Ensign S'Niri
Security Officer
USS Astrea
Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acanius
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea
Aya Pyxx
Bartender, Paddy's Loft
USS Astrea, NPC Spello
Charlotte & Dani
USS Astrea, by Remy
Tyler Williams
Tactical Officer
USS Astrea