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Falling Into Personnel Files, Part 2

Posted on Wed Feb 28th, 2024 @ 4:18am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign S'Niri
Edited on on Wed Feb 28th, 2024 @ 4:18am

1,396 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Serenity Archives
Timeline: MD 2, After Part 1

Vila began to question the shopkeeper as they poked around. "HI. We are in search of some...information. Do you know who could help us? I am looking for a man called Dr. Louis Stephens. Have you heard that name before?" She asked, jovially, trying on a cape-type article of clothing. What the hell was this place, anyway?? She looked to Nevan. "Nevan, this man is looking at me? Do I have something on my nose?" She laughed a little at her own joke.

The shopkeeper didn't get the joke as he didn't see "Nevan" and "Vila." He saw two Kataran officers in uniform, a physician and an engineer. "That is an unusual name, Doctor. I have not heard it before. Is this person an off-worlder?" Misunderstanding Vila's question about what the place was he continued, "I apologize if my shop doesn't meet your needs. It is just me and my wife, Lanfod's Clothiers. I can direct you to one of the larger shops if you are looking for something more specific."

Vila blinked, realizing that the man had a different reality than she and Nevan did. "No, sir, it's sufficient," she said. "Yes, off-worlders. The man I asked about is...skilled in treating a disease I have. My uh....friend here is just an escort. Can't let the ladies out alone, for safety," she said, making a face. She waited for Nevan to interject.

"Yes, I have been charged with ensuring she meets with him, it's quite urgent. She has some information we must get to him right away. You see he's made a long journey from several provinces North and his last runner to give us his most recent location didn't make it as expected, so we are looking to find him." Considering the man's response at the mentioning of an odd name but not at the two of them standing before him did seem a bit strange however to the Betazoid. "Is there anything you think that Lanfods could provide us with?"

"You're free to look around. I don't have any military items, civilian outer wear, outdoor equipment, jewelry, some trinkets," He said, gesture to the racks and tables. "I assure you that women are quite safe in this region. I haven't heard of attacks on this planet yet, have the outsiders began arriving?" The shopkeeper asked nervously.

"Outsiders?" Vila asked. It was the second time they'd heard that. "I don't think so...I haven't heard about that. Can you...who are these outsiders you're expecting? We don't hear much news up North," she said. She pretended to be engrossed in a display of earrings. She needed new ones, anyway, if she was going to starting dating or somesuch again.

"Are you alright?" The shopkeeper asked. "The Vulcan rebels that you all have been fighting," he stated taking note of their military attire.

"No, my head hurts, actually," she said. "I think the atmospheric difference is the problem. "Vulcans," she said. She glanced at Nevan. That changed things. "Right!! I am not too worried about them out here," she said. "We uh...we were able to put down on of their ships on our way in," she said. She needed to get out of here, she wasn't good at lying.

- - - - - - - -

Tel'im chose a blue crystal for herself and slid it into the data reader. Although she was unable to see the beam that struck her, she found herself able to deal with whatever this was a bit better than the others.

Smoke poured from a damaged console as the Romulan found herself on the bridge of a small spacecraft. (Later, she would realize this was a battlecraft attached to the Serenity.) A woman--different than the Serenity's commander pushed herself to her feet. "Report, Sublord!"

Looking around, Tel'im couldn't see anyone else, so she turned to the console in front of her. "Enemy craft are closing... We won't be able to hold them back--armor is nearly gone, ordinance launchers are still functional... Its happening again!"

A whine filled the room, and a swirl of energy took shape into a holographic projection. "Surrender, pathetic creatures. Bow before us. We will be merciful... But if you resist... There is no end for the suffering. See, we have already inflicted..." The other woman took up a pulse weapon of some sort and shot the projection. It vanished.

"Bastards... Launch the last ordinance, then get to the pod... I'm going to crash what's left of this into them. Maybe this will do something."

"My Lord, you'll be killed." Tel'im was aghast.

"I'd rather have you survive then me... Tell my sister... Tell her, I love her... This is the end of our civilization--the H'urq may have destroyed us, but at least some of us will survive... Go!"

- - - - - -
Unaware that anything was amiss, Maxun selected a crystal that had a orange tinge to it. After finding an empty workstation, he sat down and inserted the crystal. As soon as he did, a control surface, just in front of the data port, lit up. He considered the controls for a few beats, then pressed the one that seemed to be the logical choice to be the play button. As soon as he did, a thin, white beam, shot out from the top of the crystal, and intersected with his forehead. Not that he would notice, as his mind had been pulled into the program.

All around him, there were explosions and dirt flying. Unmistakable energy weapons fire crossed over his head. Though he ducked reflexively, he suddenly noticed that he was a trench line, surrounded by warriors, most of which were humanoid in physical build. Everyone was wearing a similar uniform, camouflage fatigues, boots to match and combat gear.

"On the line!" A burly individual barked out to those around him. Everyone stepped to and leaned against the wall of the trench, supposedly facing in the direction of the unknown enemy. "Make ready!!" Everyone readied their weapon. Some held rifles, others held various types of artillery or other ordinance. "ATTACK!!!"

All of the soldiers around Maxun swarmed from the trench, like one large, living thing. The amount of weapon's fire increased dramatically. Maxun found himself being pulled along with the formation. Looking down, he saw that he was holding, what could best be described as a mobile Gatlin gun. He started to fire, moving the stream of energy rounds left, then right, spraying pulsed energy upon the enemy positions.

Suddenly, fightercraft soared overhead, from behind the enemy lines. As they approached, several canisters dropped clear of their fuselages.

"Incoming!!" Someone to Maxun's right shouted in fear.

He looked up, and watched, as the canisters dropped, almost in slow motion, to the ground. As soon as the first one made contact, the entire area was engulfed in flame.

Two pairs of strong arms wearing the telltale sleek uniform style seen worn by the female captain in the holoimage, but in a dark gray grabbed a hold of Maxun's arms and legs. He was carried along with others to a small vessel. Once inside, the ship was packed with people, and not many supplies. Mutterings among the people indicated it would be around six hours until the reached their destination. It was hot and stuffy. Thankfully it didn't feel like six hours before Maxun found the ship had landed and the mass of people on board began rushing to the doors.

The small craft had landed on a beach approximately 500 meters or so from the ship they now knew was the Serenity. She was still docked on the same docking ring that Vila and Nevan had encountered when they had jumped into this world. Only twenty minutes had passed since they arrived.

Two people ran past Maxun shouting to the others, "It's happening! They're coming! We need to act quickly. The forces on Ralia won't be able to hold them off for long. We need to get moving!!"

- - - - - - - - -
>> >> To Part 3

Lt. J.G. Maxun Spello
Chief of Intelligence
USS Astrea
Ensign S'Niri
Security Officer
USS Astrea
Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea
Remy Johansen
as GM
USS Astrea
PO1 Nevan Kayto
Civil Operations Specialist
USS Astrea
Attaché Phesg Tel’im
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea


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