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Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 3:29am by Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Civilian Brunel Winters

2,717 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 12, 1100 hours

The night before Sara had taken Alex home to get ready for bed. She had also taken a shower and gathered a few things before switching places in Sickbay with Nash around midnight. She had actually been allowed to sleep in Brunel's room on a chaise lounge for a few hours while he had been sleeping, but once his test results started coming back her adrenaline was pumping too hard for her to bother trying to get any more rest.

She'd been sitting at a portable table outside of Brunel's room on a portable workstation since 0430 or so looking for something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Kas entered the Sickbay waiting room, looking for any of the Winters family. He heard the news that the young Atarn boy was ill and wanted to show his support. On his people’s vessels, all children were kin to the crew, the Federation did things differently, however with the lad being an orphan he felt this tradition to be even more vital.

Sara sat away from the general waiting area, up against the wall outside of Brunel's room where he was resting. One of the nurses had brought her a portable table, and she had set up a station where she could easily read Brunel's results and pour through whatever research she could find. Nash had been by this morning, and she suspected he'd be back at any time.

"Hello, Mrs Winters any news on the boy?" Kas said in a soft tone.

"Oh, it's just Sara," she responded tiredly as she shook her head. "No, not really. Things are about the same, which isn't great."

"Very well Sara, Call me Kas." The large Hybrid smiled. "On the vessels of my people, all the parents care for all the children, if you or your's need anything don't hesitate to ask. I've only had my daughter in my life for a few years now and she has become my whole world. I won't say I know how you and your mate feel, only how I'd feel if Keena were so ill."

Nash quietly bustled back to Sickbay to be with Brunel and Sara.
As he crossed the threshold into the waiting area, Nash called out.
“Hey, Sara, I got Alexandra settled at school and ——,” he reacted in surprise as he found a visitor in conversation with his wife.

“Hey, Kas! Did you come to visit Brunel? That’s very considerate. I think he would enjoy seeing another friendly face. How’s that pretty little girl of yours?”

"Keena is fine, she wanted to skip school to come with me." Kas said, "May I say that it warms my heart to see that your family has taken Brunal is an act of true Kinship. I will support you in any way I can."

"We appreciate that," Sara said warmly. "It's the not knowing that's hard right now. As far as we know his genetic makeup is unique and what is going on seems to be from a genetic defect. I should probably just let the doctors do their work, but I can't help myself."

“The not knowing and the waiting. I know I should be more patient, but I’m not. My job is fixing things and I just wish I could fix him. I’ll let my biologist wife find out what she can and let the doctors do their work. But believe me, Kas, when Brunel is himself again, we’ll be happy to spend time with you and Keena.”

Kas nodded with sympathy as Nash spoke, '"Is there anything we wouldn't do for our kin?"

“When it comes to this family, there’s nothing further from the truth. Thanks for coming, Kas. There’s nothing more for us to do but wait. Send over your positive energy and thoughts, will ya? You don’t need to stay. I can let you know when he wakes up and you can visit.”

Captain Johansen walked briskly into Sickbay, "I'm sorry I didn't get down here sooner. I didn't want to intrude. I have some good news. Brunel's asylum request was approved this morning. The adoption paperwork should be ready by this afternoon. After Commander Spello's report, Starfleet is making it easy for you. I can officiate your adoption for you when Brunel's feeling better," Remy offered. She nodded to Kas a quiet hello after her announcement.

“Wait….what?!” Nash reached for Sara right away and tried to contain his emotions. He squeezed his wife’s hand and walked to meet Captain Johansen.

“Thank you, Captain. I can’t believe it. We can’t wait to tell him….Alexandra…. she’s going to be so excited. I hope you didn’t have to call in too many favors to expedite all this.”

"You can thank the away team that went with the Serenity and uncovered their societal structure," Remy said. "Congratulations." She offered a hug to both Nash and Sara. Remy whispered in Sara's ear, "I got your message, we can talk," before more loudly saying "Congratulations."

Sara had stood up and taken a step away from the computer. Her right hand was curled into not quite a fist, and the backs of her fingers pressed against her lips and nose as she fought back tears. She pulled her hand away briefly and looked at Kas and Remy, "He called me mama last night."

Kas put a clasped Nash's shoulder, "Congratulations! My heart rejoices in your good fortune!"

“Thank you, my friend. We’ll have plenty to celebrate later. He just needs to get well,” Nash said as he returned the gesture with his hand on Kas’ shoulder.

While Nash and Kas were talking, Remy quietly slipped away into Dr. Beckett's office to talk about Brunel's condition.

"Maybe we'll get a chance to tell him soon," Sara said hopefully. "He should be waking up for lunch." She turned to Kas, they were having a hard time keeping his pain under control."

Charlotte walked over to the Winters' family. "Dr. Parks said it's a good time to try lunch. If mom and dad want to come in while we wake him up, we'll start there, and if he wants more visitors, I can come out and get the the others."

“Sounds good to me. Thanks, Charlie,” Nash said before turning to Sara.
“Come on, hon, let’s get a look at our boy.”

Kas nodded to the Winters, "I'll leave you to tend to your child, I'll stop by later to visit Brunel."

"Let's see how he's feeling, Kas," Sara said warmly. "If he's up for seeing you, we'll have a nurse bring you and Keena in. I'm sure he'd like to know that others are thinking about him."

"I'll go and get Keena," Kas smiled.

Once Sara and Nash had settled in beside Brunel's bedside, Dr. Park's administered a medication that was meant to wake Brunel up. Charlotte brought a cup of water with a straw, and set it on a bedside table near Nash anticipating that would be the first thing he would ask for.

As soon as the medication was injected into his system, Brunel started to stir. Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open and he looked around him. It was clear, from his expression that, while he was not in as much pain as before, he still wasn't feeling fully better yet. When his eyes landed on Sara's tender face, he smiled as best he could. He raised his right hand and signed, "Mama..." he then turned his head and saw Nash. "Papa..."

“That’s right, little man. We’re here. Don’t try to sit up. Just relax. Do you need anything? Does anything hurt?.”

Sara pointed to the water, for Nash to give to Brunel. "Hey there, Brunel. The Doctor thought it might be a good time to eat some lunch if you can. Kas and his daughter Keena are here, but we wanted to make sure you were up for visitors first."

Nodding, Brunel got comfortable as the biobed was slowly raised to allow him to eat and drink. "Water please, Mama. Perhaps...some broth?"

"Of course sweetheart, Papa has the water right there beside him," Sara said softly. Behind the bed, Charlotte heard the request and made a tray with bowl of chicken noodle soup that was mostly broth, but had some bits of protein in it, jello, and a cup of juice and brought it over to Brunel.

After taking a few sips of the water, he nodded at Nash and Sara. "I think I'm strong enough for visitors."

Sara brushed the hair away from Brunel's face before bringing the tray closer to the bed. "They brought you a few things to choose from, sweetheart."

“Try some soup, bubba. Chicken soup always makes us humans feel better. Maybe it will for you, too. Try and eat, ok? Get your strength up and perhaps you will able to walk around a little instead of staying in bed,” Nash said, trying to encourage Brunel.

Brunel nodded, he then gave Nash a curious look. "What does...B-U-B-B-A..mean? I do not know this word."

Nash giggled out loud. “No, I wouldn’t think you would. ‘Bubba’ is a nickname, a kind of term of endearment. Usually used for friends, people you care about, people you love, and those who love you. I knew a security officer in San Francisco that used it and I …..borrowed it. So if I call you bubba it’s another way of saying I love you. And I hope you know that we all do love you.”

Brunel seemed to consider this, then after teaching his translator a few different signs, he came up with one that he liked. "Would I call you or Mama, Bubba?"

“You can call me whatever you want… but I think I like Papa or Dad the best. Sara is Mom or Mama. I don’t think she would take too kindly to anyone calling her ‘bubba’, believe me,” Nash affirmed.

Hearing Nash's words and warning, Brunel suddenly had an alarmed look on his face. He looked over at Sara and quickly signed, "I am sorry, Mama!! I did not mean any insult by my question!" He suddenly had a fear that they might not want him in their family any more.

“No-no-no, Brunel! No! I wasn’t being serious, buddy. I’m sorry. It was a joke. She’s not mad and I’m not mad. I just meant that Mom would not think it’s funny if you or I were to call her that. Do you understand? I suppose I have to be more precise with my language.” Nash held Brunel’s hand with one hand and tussled his hair with the other.

"Don't take your dad too seriously, Brunel," Sara said. "I'm sure we'd all have had a good laugh about it." The smile that she had for Brunel could be seen in her eyes when she looked at him.

Seeing that they weren't mad at him, Brunel calmed down. He reached out for Sara and hugged her.

Sara embraced Brunel in her arms, closing her eyes as she imprinted the feeling of the moment into her memory.

Nurse Reynolds stepped outside to see Kas and Keena in the waiting area. "Brunel said you can come in and see him now if you like."

Kas walked into the room quietly with Keena a few steps behind, the child didn't like sickbay, but Kas was puzzled by her timid behavior. The Hybrid smiled and took his daughter's hand. He made a soothing purring sound from the back of his throat before he spoke.

"How are you, Lad?" Kas asked.

Before Brunel answered, Nash nodded approvingly at Kas and knelt down in front of his little girl. “Hello, Keena. It’s nice to see you again. You can come closer. Say hi to Brunel. I think he would be happy to see you again, too.”

"Keena, do you want to come sit on my lap and say hi," Charlotte asked, reaching out her hand.

Keena smiled at Charlotte and nodded, Kas smiled in relief as his daughter climbed onto the woman's lap.

Brunel smiled as he looked at both Kas and Keena. "Hello, Mister Kas, hello Keena. Thank you for coming to see me. I am feeling better, though still a little weak."

Charlotte straightened the braids in Keen's hair while she sat on her lap next to Brunel. "Tell him what you did this morning, Keena. Brunel's been stuck in this room, so he likes to hear about everyone's stories."

Keena leaned into the kind woman, she didn't have a Mama...Her Nana told her that her Mama had gotten sick. She smiled at her Papa before looking at Brunel.

"My class went to the Astrophysics lab, I told my friends the Quathteen name for some of the stars," Keena said. "Ms. Day told me to stop because she didn't want to confuse the other kids. I like Ms. Day, but sometimes she can be kinda dumb."

Kas watched from the corner, 'this was not how he'd been taught to speak about elders...' He sighed, this was not the time for correction. Honestly, he didn't know what correction was necessary.

"We can talk about Ms. Day later, what did Anna think of the Astrophysics lab?" Kas queried gently

"She liked it but kept trying to play connect the dots and the science techs were getting annoyed." Keena gigged. "Then one of the boys drew a 'rocket, and Ms. Day made him go out into the hall."

Nash had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. The way Keena was warming up to Charlie and Brunel made him very happy. “I think we are witnessing the beginning of a long friendship, Kas. Just imagine the three of them-OUR children growing up together? It’s a beautiful thing. Keena is reaching out to make connections with others and I think it’s because of you. You’re a good father, Mr. Razka.”

Kas smiled looking at Engineer and the two children, Alexandra still at school, for a moment he thought about the day he'd met his stepbrother. He looked at Keena and she seemed at home with this family. He bowed to Nash.

"I'm honored to accept your kinship, Nash."

“If that means what I think it means, I return the favor and accept YOUR kinship. Thank you. You’ve already used the word, but I’ll say it again. The honor is mine,” Nash said. He appeared to stand taller with his shoulders straight and handshake extended.

Kas grasped the man's hand, "We have no choice in the family of our birth and the bond of duty makes a crew. What my people call Kinship is the family we choose. Choose family is the strongest bond in the galaxy."

“Hear, hear, bubba,” Nash told Kas. “Absolutely right. Family makes us who we are and you can’t destroy that. Imagine how much you can learn from your ancestry. I wish I knew more about mine. How much do you know about your family line?”

Kas paused a moment, his lineage was a complicated subject, especially with Keena in the room.

“My half of my mother Nula’s family were in the military cast the other half were Vediks before the Cardassian occupation. Nula was smuggled off of Bajor by the Quath’Mar. She rose in their ranks to become a Chieftain. My father…” The Hybrid sighed, “Toq was part of a group of dishonored Klingons from the house of Noggra, I don’t know very much about them.”

Kas looked at Keena but she seemed to be distracted trying to use Brunal’s sign language, he smiled with pride. 'She was so like her mother' Kas thought.

While the adults talked, Brunel and Keena were signing to each other, learning the languages of their respective people.

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Sara Winters, PhD (Charlotte Dawes)
Civilian Microbiologist
USS Astrea

Brunel Cal-Torin
Ataran Refugee
USS Astrea
(Spello NPC)


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