Telling the Family
Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 1:23am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Civilian Brunel Winters
Edited on on Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 1:25am
2,109 words; about a 11 minute read
Helping Brunel
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 15
Captain Johansen found herself back on the Astrea. With Lieutenant Andersen off to notify the medical officers, Remy made her way to the Winters' quarters a brisk pace. She was still in civilian clothes, and caught a few looks on the way. When she arrived she waved her hand over the chime announcing her presence, but used her override code to let herself in.
"Nash? Sara!" Remy called. "We're back, I need you to get ready."
Nash answered the door right away. He was glad the Captain was back but was alarmed by her appearance. “It’s good to see you, Captain….are you ……alright? You look like hell, to be blunt. Alright, we can talk it about it later. Let’s just get on with it. Kas and Eirly? They ok?”
"Everyone's fine," Remy responded. "Grab an overnight bag, you're going with Brunel and Dr. McEntyre, Beckett to another ship. They are cloaked nearby. The procedure is going to happen there. Kas is docking the Holana, he'll pick Keena up from school. Eirly went to Sickbay to help the medical team get what they need."
“Wait….you have a cloaked ship? Never mind…I’m not going to ask. This is for Brunel, so …. ok…..”. Nash paused and took a deep breathe and exhaled through his mouth. “Sara! It’s time to go! Cap—-Remy—give us a few minutes to get our stuff together and I’ll meet you in the transporter room.” He wanted to hug the Captain right there in the corridor, but gave her an affirmative nod instead. This would all be over soon, he thought to himself.
Sara stuck her head out of Brunel's room to listen to Remy and Nash talk. Brunel had been allowed to come home as long as he was taken back to Sickbay at regular intervals for treatments. The procedure that Remy was talking about would be something more permanent - no more treatments that may eventually stop working in a few years.
"You found them?" Sara confirmed hope shining in her eyes.
"They found us," Remy confirmed choosing to leave the details out. "They've been expecting some of us might come looking."
Sara tapped the door frame with her palm in excitement before turning towards Brunel. "Could you hear the Captain? We have what we need to cure you. The procedure is going to happen on another ship though. I'll help get you ready," Sara said with an encouraging smile.
Looking over from his brand new desk, Brunel smiled nervously. "Will I have to go alone, Mama?", he asked, not hearing all of the conversation outside his room.
"Of course not, sweetheart," Sara said gently. "Dad and I are coming too. We wouldn't let you go alone."
Nodding and smiling a nervous grin, Brunel started to pack a few things. While he had experienced nothing but kindness and compassion from the medical staff, as they fought to save his life, he was still feeling a little apprehensive about undergoing more medical treatment, even though it was said to be a cure for his ailment. Looking first over at his sister, he then looked back at their mother. "Can...can Alex come too?" he asked cautiously. Since they had met, she had become one of the strongest cornerstones of his new life. He felt safer whenever she was nearby.
Sara cast an apprehensive look at Alex who was now looking at her hopefully. Sara had already asked everything of the Captain - risking her career and potential freedom bringing this now outlawed technology here. But then, what was the risk of bringing Alex. She wouldn't know what they were doing, and Brunel was going to be there. Making it seem a secret just drew more attention to the procedure altogether, wouldn't it?
"We'll see," Sara finally said.
Alex hopped off the bed and rushed over to Brunel as Sara walked out of the room. "I don't know what they'll say," Alex whispered. "Can I help?"
"Just you being near helps me stay calm, Ally" He reached out and hugged her, feeling safer with her than anyone else in his entire life, even his family from before the Romulans.
Alex hugged her brother back. "Don't worry, you'll be okay. The doctors are really really good."
Brunel nodded as they continued to hug for a few more beats.
Sara stepped out into the main living area. "What about Alexandra. She could stay with the Millers, but Brunel wants her to come with us." Sara posed the request meekly, wanting to give the Captain every opportunity to deny her request.
Remy thought for a brief second. "Okay, bring her."
Sara let out a sigh of relief. She was finding it hard to tell Brunel no right now. After everything he'd been through in life generally. And now this.
Nash gave Remy an appreciative nod and gently nudged her shoulder. The unspoken respect between the two of them was obvious and palpable. He squeezed Sara’s hand and turned to join Brunel and help him pack his things.
"Thank you," Sara said staring at Remy almost helplessly for a second before following Nash.
"Alex, pack light. Just a change of clothes. I'll let school know," Sara said looking into Brunel's room.
Alex looked at Brunel and grinned. "Yes!" she said doing a fist pump before skipping to her room.
Brunel grinned happily, he then moved to his dresser and pulled out some clothes. While he was still feeling apprehensive, knowing that Alex would be there was making things seem a bit easier.
Nash helped Sara pack their belongings, enough for two days. They really didn’t know what to expect. Would this other vessel be holding position off Astrea’s bow or would it be headed elsewhere? So many questions, but they would have to be pushed to the side until Brunel was treated.
Remy stepped into the hall and called down, "I'll meet everyone in Transporter Room 3 at 1700 Hours. I need to stay here, but I'll see you off," she stated. "I'll let you get situated while I go check in with Commander Spello."
“Yes, ma’am,” Nash called back. “See you down there.”
“Alright, everybody….we have still a little while before we leave. Make sure you have everything. Alex, please only what you NEED. We won’t be gone that long and I’d rather not lug any extra baggage around. Please help Brunel make sure he’s ready.”
When Alex entered Brunel's room, she found him struggling to close the case containing his clothes. The hover chair he was in was making it difficult for him to reach over with both hands to one side.
"Hey, I can do that for you, stop," Alex said rushing in. "How much are you bringing? Dad said just a few days. This is like a whole suitcase. And he was worried about me."
Sitting back in the hoverchair, Brunel replied to his sister. it is just some clothes and a few PADDs. I still have much to study, to bring myself up to date on the current universe. I have already finished reading the complete history of the Klingon Empire, The Cardassian Union and Ferengi. I am now reading about Earth's history. I have gotten as far as the Roman Empire. Did you know, humans used to enslave their own people too?! Had them even fight to the death in the Coloseum, just for the pleasure of the Romans and their ruling class!"
"Yeah," Alex said gloomily. "I don't really know much about that far back, but Earth history is pretty depressing. I don't recommend it. You ready?" She asked closing up his bag.
"But I need to learn it all, so I can become a good citizen of the United Federation of Planets. I never want to bring shame to our family."
Alex giggled. "You would never."
Nash pulled Sara into the kitchen, momentarily out of sight of the children. He pulled her close into a tight embrace. “How are you doing, sweetheart? I’m a little anxious to be honest. I just want this to work, whatever “this” is. You know that you can lean on me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
"Right now, we just need to keep moving until he can get this procedure. What he's doing now is just a temporary fix. But this, it'll wipe out what caused these problems in the first place, Nash," Sara explained. "The thing I was most anxious about was finding someone with the technology who would do the procedure. It was common practice before the ban, but after the ban it's just a matter of legality. Everyone is blaming the synth attacks. It's so silly. We won't be putting any AI in Brunel, we'll just be using it to remap some broken pathways. It's going to work."
Nash took some comfort in his wife’s words, making him feel slightly better. The apprehension that came with the procedure still brewed in the back of his mind. “Thanks, Sara. I’m just worried about him. We all are. Remira, Eirly, and Kas put their careers and even their lives on the line for this. We have to make sure their efforts were not in vain. Give them some significance….some meaning.”
Sara took a deep breath. "We put our faith in the doctors. The medicine." She nodded with some air of confidence. It was what they had to work with.
When it was time to leave Nash and Sara rallied Alex and Brunel toward the transporter room. "I'm not even going to ask everyone if they have what they need," Sara said in a mother tone. "If it's not packed, I'm sure we can find something suitable there, or it can wait until we're back."
She placed a palm each on the top of Alexandra's and Brunel's head as the filed into the corridor causing Alex to quickly dodge out of reach.
Brunel looked up at his mother's warm smile, and smiled in reply from his hover chair. When Alex bolted clear of Sara's attempted touch, it caused him to giggle noiselessly.
“Come on, kids. They’re all waiting for us in here. See what’s waiting for us on the other side,” said Nash.
When they reached the transporter room they found the Captain and Dr. Beckett already there - Dr. Beckett with a rolling medical kit of some sort and a shoulder bag.
Eirly was the next to arrive, a neutral expression on her face and a small bag slung on her shoulder as well. She was just waiting for everyone else to arrive before they could head off.
Nash hadn’t seen Lieutenant Andersen since the away team’s return. He was relieved to see her when she walked through the transporter room door. They nodded at each other when their eyes caught each other.
J.R entered the transporter room next, a medical kit hanging from one shoulder and a backpack on his back.
"Right, so, everyone got everything they need? Anyone need to use the restroom before we beam over? Now's the chance."
Thivi shook her head and held up her medical kid and tricorder.
The Captain smiled at the doctor before she took in a deep breath and looked around the room. "Those of you under my employ are officially on an approved leave of absence until I see you again in a few days. Good luck, and god speed."
Remy looked to the transporter operator and nodded as the medical team situated themselves on the transporter pad. She watched them dematerialize, then it was the family's turn. She gave Nash and Sara a hug before the went. "Don't worry, everything will be okay," she whispered before they stepped onto the pad.
When the group materialized on board the Sentinel they arrived in a large receiving area. White and silver were the predominant colors giving the environment a clean and sterile atmosphere.
A dark complected Vulcan dressed in traditional robes approached the group who had beamed in from Astrea. He took note of the individuals and addressed those who appeared to be on the medical team directly. "Welcome aboard. I am Commander Volek. We will be setting a course for a neutral area just outside of Federation space once I have returned to the Bridge. We will arrive to the location by tomorrow morning, 0800 Federation Standard Time. It is at that time we recommend the formal procedure to begin. Our facilities are at your disposal for any preparations until then."