The Haunted Mansion, First Arrivals
Posted on Mon Oct 28th, 2024 @ 11:55pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth
1,559 words; about a 8 minute read
Seasonal & Holidays
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD Alpha
When the doors to Holodeck 3 opened it was as if walking into the great room of an old - and haunted mansion. Candlelit chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and a large staircase was in the back right corner that led up to an open balcony that overlooked the large room below. A buffet table with themed hors oeuvres was set up underneath the balcony along with a bar serving drinks including a spiked punch. A few holographic ghosts were floating around greeting the guests - some friendlier than others - most of them encouraging partygoers to tour the haunted mansion before midnight.
Osirin didn't understand the popularity of the Terran holiday. He'd done a little search into its origins which he'd found interesting. But it had been celebrated for millennia. He considered himself spiritual rather than religious and thought that Satan was a construct created to explain evil in the world.
The thought of a personal devil, much like the concept of a personal god was a foreign concept to him. He didn't reject the possibility, rather he thought the existence of either was improbable.
Another thing that confused him was why people would go out of their way to be scared.
He had pledged though to just try to enjoy himself as best he could.
Charlotte strolled in after volunteering at the hayride for the kids on board. She was still wearing her fairy princess costume, her dress several shades of iridescent purples, both her dress and her wings had a hint of a silver sparkle to them. She noticed the holodeck wasn't particularly crowded yet and headed straight for Osirin.
"Hey, do you care if I hang out with you for a bit? I could use a wingman until the place gets a bit busier. Have you been here long?" Charlotte asked.
"No," came the response. I just arrived. I am glad for the companionship I am still trying to figure out the nuances of this holiday of yours."
"Well, uh good luck. It's really become a blend of a lot of old Earth cultures' holidays over the years. I think it was originally about warding off ghosts and spirits or something. But now, it's mostly just a fun time to dress up and hand out candy, and scare each other on purpose. At least that's what it is to me," Charlotte offered.
"Ah," Osirin said, "I am beginning to understand. We do have a similar concept to ghosts on my home world. Departed spirits, Though we don't have a holiday to ward them off."
"One thing we do have though, is candy. It's a bit different than Terran candy. Maybe I'll make some someday."
"You make the candy yourself you say?" Charlotte asked impressed. "Wow. I'd be interested not just in trying some, but the process too. I mean I can cook a little, but human candy recipes are a bit out of my league."
"Well, I am hardly an expert and the candy I can make is fairly simple. The closest Terran equivalent is cinnamon covered in chocolate and baked."
"There are a few places on board that we can use to cook so that you don't have to have equipment brought to your quarters. Though, it's easy enough to have an oven or heating element installed, especially since you're technically a senior officer," Charlotte suggested. "They aren't standard because most people wouldn't use them and they just take up space. But if you think you'd use it a lot, just put in a requisition for it.
"I will. As I said, I'm not the best cook, but I did it a lot when I was younger, and I'd like to take it up again. If you're sure it would be okay, I will put in the requisition."
"Totally," Charlotte said with a smile. "Go for it. So how are you getting along with the crew? Your crew before was pretty much just Akadians right? Is it different being around so many different races of aliens?"
"Well it's only been a few days, but so far I am enjoying myself. I was part of the Second Contact mission, so seeing a variety of races is not entirely foreign to me. I am getting along with everyone I've met so far. I've gotten to know a few of the crew very well."
"And to answer the other part of your question, yes our ships are, or at least until the exchange program was established were, exclusively Akadian. But we did encounter other species on our missions."
"Well, I think I echo the sentiments of the crew when I saw that we're happy to have you."
In next stepped Xalanth and Fulvia. The red lizard looked somewhere even more intimidated dressed as Mars. Clad in black armour and robes his appearance was eye-catching though not as eye-catching as his fourth. Clad in a pink toga with black and red armour to match her husband the manga roman looked dazzling dressed as Aphrodite Areia.
They were immediately followed by T'lenn, who at Jason's suggestion had dressed as a vampire. Though she felt somewhat ridiculous, she understood that was part of the spirit of the holiday and had taken the computer's recommendation for costuming precisely and was was wearing a black leather pants and black leather corset halter top with a deep v-neck and pronounced collar that framed her head. A black cape with a red lining flowed behind her. She had finished the look with knee high boots, fangs, and stunning red and black eye make-up.
On her arm was Jason, dressed as a werewolf, his head, chest and arms covered in fur-covered prosthetics. He had a shredded shirt on his torso, and shredded pants on his legs. He had altered his ocular implants to resemble wolf eyes. He wore a set of fangs in his mouth and gloves with black claws. To finish the anatomically-correct look, he was wearing specialized boots that made his legs look like they had to correct reversed joint. These increased his height by nearly a foot. All told, he looked very much like he just stepped out of a monster film from the 21st century.
T'lenn took note of Xalanth and Fulvia's costumes and turned to Jason. "Perhaps I should have researched more into common Halloween costumes. I'm afraid I won't recognize some of the more common themes."
Looking down at T'lenn, Jason grinned as best he could with the large fangs in his mouth. "You look perfect, honey. The whole point is to just have fun. The history of dressing up in costume was to scare the spirits away from taking over our bodies."
"Hello, guys," Xalanth said walking over a warm smile on his face despite the makeup made to look like his face was covered in ash and blood. " I make a good Mars don't I?" he said politely. " Have the two of you met my fourth? This is Fulvia my Valour. " He said gesturing to the woman on his arm.
Jason nodded and grinned as best he could with his mask and fangs. "Hey, Xalanth! Wow! That is a great costume!" He then turned his attention to the reptilanoid's mate. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Jason, and this is my fiancé, T'lenn."
"Lieutenant Xalanth was on one of the excursions with us," T'lenn reminded Jason, though she had a puzzled look on her face. "Fulvia pleasure to meet you," T'lenn added remembering her manners. "I'm sorry, could someone explain the Mars costume? Mr. Xalanth is this a personification of the planet? I don't know that I will ever fully understand the various art of Earth."
" The manga roman god of war. " Fulvia explained with a smile. " Neither of our worlds has a version of Halloween, but my lord and husband first and third are from Earth so we've adopted the tradition. Back when i was a gladiatrix they'd often have to dress up for special fights so donning the garb of my patron goddess Aphrodite Areia seemed natural."
"Ah, so mythological characters then," T'lenn stated her face brightening in understanding. "I understand. I am not well versed in that mythology or religions. Thank you for explaining the references." T'lenn nodded in approval at the outfits.
" Thank you T'lenn." replied the magna roman with a smile upon her lips. " You make a great vampire."
"Thank you. I simply had the computer formulate a costume. The vampire-werewolf duo was Jason's idea," T'lenn responded.
Jason grinned through his fangs. "Thought it would be a cool idea, given the event."
"You make a great vampire Jason. A few years ago we got Xalanth here done up as Dracula and we went as his brides. " Fulvia added her voice full of happy memories.
Jason chuckled softly, as he replied. "Um, I'm actually a werewolf." As he finished speaking, he flexed his talon-tipped fingers, growled softly, and changed his eyes to glow red.
"And a very convincing werewolf. That is, if werewolves were an actual creature and not just a figment of folklore and human imagination," T'lenn commented. She looked at Jason in a way that most people would have difficulty reading, and in this context one might have thought she was chastising him. But Jason recognized the look of adoration and the affectionate way that she had learned to tease him.