Away Team Loses Osirin and Other Trouble, Part 3
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 12:38pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Daynah Ral & Lieutenant JG Fulvia & Ensign Tyler Williams
Edited on on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 12:47pm
1,721 words; about a 9 minute read
Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: Axel's Ship / Rag City, Freecloud
Timeline: MD 1 2100, After Part 2
continued from: Away Team Searching for the Seller Part 2
Osirin rematerialized on the Bridge of a Kaplan F-17. Mimi and Jaren were walking to different stations as soon as their feet hit the deck. When she pulled up the holographic navigation controls, Mimi was having a difficult time with her hand-eye coordination, and mistyped the controls causing an error to flash. This made her giggle.
Jaren laughed. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?"
"Aggh, it's fine. Computer, take us out of spacedock. Code Mimi Rose, Daroma-Uma," Mimi ordered. "Set a course heading mark 144-14. Take us out 700 million kilometers and hold position. Alert if any vessels approach."
Mimi had a difficult time getting through the instructions without laughing, but the computer repeated the commands back to her and began reciting the automated procedures the ship was taking to undock from the station.
"See, easy peasy." Mimi stood up and took a bow, then ran over to Osirin and threw her arms around him with some force. "What should we do now? You look like you haven't had enough to drink!"
"Oh, I have several very naughty ideas. They all involve the three of us. But, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll avoid any more intoxicants."
"Well, then, let's have some fun then. How about some music. Computer, play Mimi Set 1." Mimi stepped back and danced her way over to the safety railing. "Shall we go downstairs guys?"
"Sounds like a great idea me," Osirin responded. He waited for Jaren and Mimi to move ahead of him then palmed his comm badge he'd hidden in his pants and activated it so whatever happened would be heard, he hoped, on the Astrea
=^=Fulvia to Astrea we lost Osirin. I have the transporter frequency they beamed out in get a track on it.=^=
Captain Johansen stood up and shot a look to Spello. She wondered what had happened and hoped it hadn't been a mistake to send the Akadian exchange officer down. "Open a secure line back," She ordered.
=^=Patch it through. Just the Sub-Lieutenant? What about Lieutenant T'lenn?"=^= She asked.
=^=Captain, Williams here, Lieutenant T'lenn is unaware at this stage. We're just about to let her know=^= Tyler replied, giving Fulvia a chance to try and get in touch with T'lenn.
=^=Check out the area, and find out as much as you can about what happened. We'll dispatch other teams as necessary. Let's try to route communication from the planet through the Holana until we get another support vessel dispatched. Astrea is still trying to stay dark. Astrea out for now.=^=
=^= Fulvia to T'lenn we need you to extract now we've lost Osirin.=^= The blond-haired intel officer said calmly.
T'lenn heard the intelligence officer over her earpiece. She pretended to cough into her arm. "Understood. Any life signs in the back room? I can check the door he last went through." The science officer scanned the club. More people were arriving and the club was starting to get more crowded.
The intel operative panned her eyepiece over the back rooms. =^= No life signs, Osrin teleported out. There a transporter in the office see if you can pull the last transporter from it. =^=
T'lenn walked toward the door as if she belonged there. She had noticed that Osirin and the female had also been with a Romulan male and hoped that meant her own appearance had some kind of legitimacy. As she approached she noticed that a large man appeared to be standing guard near the door. She thought about a distraction, but she was currently by herself, so she thought to attempt a more direct approach. Remembering that she was meant to be a Romulan, she attempted a strut up to the man.
"Hey mister. My friend went back here a bit ago with some new friends he made. I need to tell him it's time to go," T'lenn stated. She took a few steps into his personal space and smiled at him, doing her best to give him a sultry expression with her eyes.
The tall gray-skinned man took her in with his eyes, and made no point to hide it when he let his gaze linger too long in certain areas. "Any weapons on you, ma'am?"
"Ha! Do I look like I need any weapons?" T'lenn purred. She stepped back one step, and did a slow turn in a circle for him.
"I have to scan you." The man took out a tricorder of sorts and T'lenn held her arms out and acquiesced in the search.
The man didn't find any contraband, but he did smirk when he picked up on her comm. "Your boyfriend not answering your calls? He might be indisposed."
"He's not my boyfriend." T'lenn winked at the man and went and put her hand on the door. "So I can go in?"
After being given a gesture, T'lenn pushed her way through. The first floor was set up to host a large party. T'lenn surmised she had just entered the VIP lounge. There did appear to be a small group of people in a corner despite the security detail not picking up any life signs. They did not look T'lenn's way and she did not recognize any of the faces. The rest of the lounge was empty, and on the first floor there was nothing that seemed like it would be a transporter. Noticing the staircase, she took those to the second floor lofted space.
T'lenn spoke into the comms, "I'm in the backroom, the downstairs appears to be a VIP lounge. I'm now on a second floor loft. There is not much up here, but I do see a second door. I will attempt entry. It does appear to have security features in place, the panel to the right of the door has a retinal and a palm scanner."
" Transporter is behind the door." Fulvia reply came calmly through the coms.
"There's a chance the door might be locked though," added Tyler's voice through the comms.
T'lenn approached the door and attempted to open it on the chance it may have been left unlocked and found the door secured shut. "It is locked. Should I attempt to bypass the security protocols?"
" No need hold." Came the reply as Fulvia loaded a few of the stun rounds. It was a trick they'd learned to do with intel. With a gentle squeeze of the trigger, a few of the stun rounds materialised inside the door's security box. The electrical shock sent ripples through the security system and sent it into the emergency unlock mode. " There you go." Fulvia added with a smirk on her face.
T'lenn stepped through the door and saw what appeared to be a small office. She reached into her jacket lining and pulled out a small holoimager. She tapped her comm and spoke softly, "I'm sending you some images."
T'lenn tapped the computer panels to life and then sent the images to Fulvia and Tyler, as she examined the terminals. "Looks like they went to a ship. Registry 62276 Milano."
"Sending back to the ship." Fulvia replied as she sent the info on a coded transmission back to the ship. " Message sent get out of there."
"Understood," T'lenn responded. As a Vulcan she was naturally adept at moving quietly through places. In fact, she found her Human colleagues unwittingly loud completing the simplest tasks. She was able to slip through the door and into the main club without the security guard who had let her back noticing her presence.
T'lenn made her way into the street and began walking away from the bar and waited for directions from Fulvia. While she walked a dark-haired woman brushed up against her from the front before T'lenn could move out of the way. As T'lenn regained her composure from the scuffle, large arms grabbed her from behind trying to pin T'lenn's own arms against her body.
Unsure of what the attacker's next intended move was going to be, T'lenn began defensive maneuvers, quickly lowering her center of gravity, and bending over at the hip and pending her knees to send the attacker over her back, while simultaneously time pulling her arms to try to get a bend at the elbow to she could reach up and use her hands.
As she struggled to get her arms free the attacker's grip tried to tighten, but he found himself struggling against the Vulcan's strength. In a tussle they both went to the ground.
A tussle which was ended by a phaser blast slammed into the attacker sending him crashing to the ground. " Tyler cover the rear." Fulvia yelled as she helped T'Lenn get out from under the tube of muscle.
"Covering!" Tyler confirmed as he held his phaser up and kept an eye out for a sign of anyone or anything else, ready to shoot if required.
"There was a female that brushed up against me immediately before. 170 centimeters, short black hair," T'lenn stated as she helped herself up.
"Do either of you have an extra pair of wrist restraints?" T'lenn asked. "Or are we leaving him here?"
" Here." Fuliva said tossing over some zip cuffs.
T'lenn used her foot to push the man up into a spot where she could grab his arms while he was still knocked out from the phaser, and then she restrained the large man by the wrists before he woke up. "Do we have a place to question him?" T'lenn asked.
The man started to stir, arousing from his stun. "I was actually wanting to ask you some questions," he stated, his voice muffled from being face down into the ground.
T'lenn looked over to Fulvia, "May you assist?"
The two women, both being exceptionally stronger than they looked were easily able to get the man to his feet, despite his large size. Now that he was on his feet, T'lenn recognized him from earlier.
"I do not make a point of answering questions after being assaulted," T'lenn stated plainly. "We will need to take you to somewhere more quiet."