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What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into, Day 2 On the Alien Vessel

Posted on Sun Feb 25th, 2024 @ 1:17am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

2,180 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: The Serenity Cryostasis Lab
Timeline: MD: 2, 1100 hours

=^= Commander Johansen to Dr. Ta'Feel, Dr. McEntyre, Lieutenant Thivi and Lieutenant Joey, I'm on board the alien vessel, we found something that you are going to want to see for yourselves. Meet each other in Transporter Room 3 and have the operator beam you directly to my location. Medical, bring kits for a possible cryogenic/stasis revival. Johansen out. =^=

In all her service working as a nurse, not once had Thivi ever needed to handle the cryogenic revival of any individual. The technology existed, though it wasn't in wide use at all and usually only employed by races who had not yet achieved a level of technology that enabled them to travel at warp. Though there'd been a single one-week course in her nursing module on cryogenics and the appropriate care protocols to administer in such situations, she had no real-life experience - which was what made her skin crawl as she packed the appropriate items into a medical kit and hurried over to the transporter room.

Dr. Ta'Feel paused a moment from Hir examining of the patient in front of Hir to listen to the incoming transmission, After receiving it, Sei did a quick blink/speak, announcing to those nearby, that, since Sei was needed aboard the alien vessel, someone needed to assume Hir current task. Sei then proceeded to do a tele/speak, whereby only Hir eyes went through a similar polychromatic sequence, and telepathically informed here family unit members that Sei was going "to join an away team."

Tapping Hir comm badge, and following that with another blink/speak, Dr. Ta'Feel replied to the communication with "Communication reply to Commander Johansen. Dr. Ta'Feel will comply with your request." The first sentence was to inform the communications system that Sei was replying to the previous communication from Commander Johansen. Any further communication that proceeded during that response would be sent to Commander Johansen.

Dr. Ta'Feel recalled Hir Cryonics studies at the Academy, along with the logs from Dr. Beverly Crusher's involvement with the space module in the Kazis system, and procured the appropriate items into a medical kit. Sei then followed LtJg Thivi to Transporter Room 3.

Joey was attending the formation of a youth club for the teens onboard the ship. Mercifully he was pulled away, so many noise, so much chaos. It was anarchy. Wearing a white shirt and navy blue suit trousers he strolled through the ship as if it was his own towards the transport room, seeing the other medical personal. He hadn't met the new CMO but had runnings with the Chief Nurse, mainly regarding staffing.

Dr. Ta'Feel noticed LtJg Joey #640 entering the transporter room, and waited for him to step on the transport pad. Once all team members were assembled on the transporter pads, Sei did a quick blink/speak, and announced to the transporter chief to transport the team to the destination.

When the medical team beamed over to the Serenity they were met with Remy at the door to a long and vast room. The walls were lined with vertical stasis chambers. Three ensigns were walking the room with tricorders and taking notes on PADDS.

"We think this might be the last room, but we are going to check the next level down," Remy said grimly. "We've counted 298 chambers, but only 23 of them are not compromised and seem to be functioning. It's not typical cryogenics either, like everything else we've been finding here, the technology isn't like anything we've seen."

"Before we wake anyone up, I want to have a senior staff meeting, but I thought I would get your ideas on what you all think we can do first," Remy said looking at the team she had assembled.

Dr. Ta'Feel was able to communicate telepathically with Hir family members, even at this distance, and, after a quick tele/speak with the other members, replied to Commander Johansen, "We think we could verify that chambers that are not compromised are not at risk of being compromised." "We could verify that the systems are stable."

"Learn what we can about the people who might still be alive, health conditions, risks to the crew. What risks we pose to them. We'll also be considering ethical obligations here as well. We have access to some personnel files, so we may be able to get you some more information about who they are," Remy stated.

"Everyone on board?" She asked.

After a series of quick blink/speaks, Dr. Ta'Feel replies were, "Species health conditions and interspecies health risks would be valuable." "Dr. Ta'Feel will collaborate with any personnel that wishes to discuss the ethical obligations." "Personnel files will be very useful to me."

"And if we wake them up we'll need someone to help them get to grips with this new reality of theirs." Thivi rested her hand thoughtfully on one of the cryostasis chambers. "Cryostasis is long term - extremely long term. I suggest inviting counsellor Drylo over, along with any other counselling or psychology trained personnel we also have. And even then..." She glances out over all the tubes with a visible downward twist to her lips. "We might need security personnel standing around. Just in case some of these people get hostile. Or are hostile to begin with."

Turning to Thivi, Dr. Ta'Feel responded, "Some very good factors to consider."

"There's no need for Dr. Drylo," Joey stated drowning over the cryo chambers, a jewel of engineering work in his eyes. "Until I've assessed them, I'll assign my staff to individual cases." By now he had joined the cluster of Doctors, Nurses and the First Mate. "If we're going to wake them, don't give any information, it'll be a culture shock, putting them into shock before we know the full extent of their health."

Dr. Ta'Feel stood for a moment, then turned to Commander Johansen, did a rather involved blink/speak, and replied, "It might be a good idea to take a medical sample of one of the deceased beings to study their physical attributes, to determine the compatibilities and non-compatibilities with our medical systems, as well as our defensive systems, in case we need to apply any medical solutions to them, or any restrictive solutions."

After receiving a communication that she was needed elsewhere, Remy nodded. "Dr. Ta'Feel, as Chief Medical Officer, you will be the commanding officer for this part of the project. Physical health of our crew and these people are under your authority, take whatever steps you see fit. I do want to be contacted before any attempts at reviving anyone is made."

"Lieutenant Thivi, I need you to come with me. Doctors, I leave it in your hands for now," Remy stated as she and Thivi left for the archive room.

After they had looked around the chambers, Dr. Ta'Feel spoke to Dr. Joey and Dr. McEntyre, "I will have someone designate which Cryostasis pod is available for my use, and have it transported to a biobed that is equipped with a bio-shield." "I will then perform the necessary diagnostics to determine the interactions between this species and any species that this one may interact with."

"Counselor Joey, your points are well taken. Before anyone is revived we will need to have a plan in place. I also know your training and experience does extend beyond the mental health profession, and these stasis cryogenic chambers are not like anything in our databases, so your knowledge will be valuable to the team," Remy instructed. "I'm going to check on something else, but I'll circle back here in an hour or so."

Dr. Ta'Feel turned toward Counselor Joey, did a quick blink/speak, then responded, "Is Counselor Joey the person that will designate which Cryostasis pod will be available for my investigations?"

Remy returned to the stasis chambers, interrupting Ta'Feel's inquiry to the Counselor. She had the new Chief Intelligence Officer Maxun Spellow with her. ""Sorry, I needed to leave Lieutenant Thivi in charge of something in the archive room. We'll explain later. How are things going here?"

As soon as he entered the vast chamber with the CO, Maxun's attention was drawn to the rows and rows of hibernation chambers. He had been instructed in their use, back when he was in the defense force of his homeworld. As the other officers spoke, he moved over to the nearest one and started to look it over. It's occupant had died long ago, leaving only a desiccated body behind.

Moving around the unit, he couldn't find any obvious damage, then he activated the terminal connected to the unit, to try and ascertain who the person had been. "This person was a cook," he said aloud. "According to this, she was nearing retirement age, when the planet was abandoned." He moved over to an operating unit, and pulled up the personnel information. "This one is young woman, apparently pregnant." He looked over her unit, to see what was different from the first.

After a moment, he stood up and looked at Remy. "Ma'am, while more investigating is required, I think I know why some of these people are still alive."

"What makes you say that, Lieutenant?" Remy asked curiously.

"This ship has been drifting through space for nearly three millennia. You said that the power had to be jury-rigged before we came over. I think, the ship's computer has been making decisions on who to save, as power levels continued to drop." He shook his head as he looked out over the hundreds of inert chambers. "If Hobus hadn't supernova'd, and caused this ship to drift over the border, the rest of these people might well have died within the next year or two."

"Before we wake anyone up, we want to make sure they aren't hostile, and that there is no risk of diseases back and forth. It's unlikely that they would have immunity to our common germs, and vice versa being so far removed in time and space," Remy told him. She once was a scientist with no ambitions of command, and had found herself on the cutting edge of some research into biogenic warfare defenses until Starfleet had shut her down. She knew how devastating their people could be to one another if proper precautions weren't taken.

Maxun nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't do anything to threaten our ship and crew, Ma'am."

"I'm also considering the Serenity's crew safety as well. If these are the last of their kind... " Remy responded. "Dr. Ta'Feel was saying something about taking one of the chambers to the Astrea and possibly working on waking someone up in quarantine there."

Ta'Feel had been standing by, listening to LtJG Spello talk about the various beings that were encased in the pods, as well as his reasonings for the survival of some of the beings. Sei was unsure if the had noticed Ser. When Commander Johansen mentioned Hir name, Sei decided to respond, After a quick blink/speak, Sei announced, "That is correct. Dr. Ta'Feel would like to administer some tests to determine their physical attributes, to determine the compatibilities and non-compatibilities with our medical systems, as well as our defensive systems, in the event we need to apply any medical solutions to them, or any restrictive solutions."

"If that is the current plan then I'll go with them. I'll have to determine their mental status first then health risks before we can debrief them." Joey stated, hoping a predicted estimate wouldn't be asked for a debriefing. "This ship isn't fit for purpose anymore, even if we jury-rigged something, we'll have to move them later."

Dr. Ta'Feel replied to Joey with a blink/speak, "Dr. Ta'Feel welcomes LtJG Joey #604's participation in this endeavor." Another blink/speak, then Sei announced to the group, "Let's select one of the cryogenic pods to transport to our ship."

"I'd offer that this one," Maxun indicated the one with the pregnant mother, "be the first to go. If for no other reason, than to get them both out of hibernation."

"Do we understand the technology well enough to risk revival on a pregnant woman?" Remy questioned. "There are two lives at play there, not just one."

"I understand it," Maxun replied. "And its really easy to explain." He started to point out several key point on the chamber. "If you want to move the chamber, yet keep it operating, you'll need to switch it to internal power." He looked around the chamber some more, then found what he was looking for. "See this lever here? Once you are ready to move the chamber, pull this lever up, then rotate it and pull it out. That will separate the chamber from the ship, putting it on its own reserve power source."

Remy nodded. "Okay, if you are going to do it, then let's do it."

> > > To Stranger in Sickbay > > >

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Maxun Spello
Chief Intelligence Office
USS Astrea


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