Kids / Family: The Haunted Trail
Posted on Mon Dec 2nd, 2024 @ 4:51am by Captain Remy Johansen & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Civilian Brunel Winters
2,186 words; about a 11 minute read
Seasonal & Holidays
Location: Deck 7: The Arboretum
Timeline: MD Alpha
The morale committee had taken some liberties and had fun reviving an old Earth holiday called Halloween for the crew of Astrea. It was one that the committee thought could be fun for all because who didn't like costume, candy, and innocent jump scares.
The trail through the arboretum had been transformed for the afternoon, the lights dimmed to give the impression of twilight, a sun that had just set. There were themes throughout: a zombie takeover on one end, Vampires and bats lurked in the darkness, crew in werewolf costumes were poised to jump onto the hayrides that were coming through, and occasionally you could spot a holographic witch flying through the air.
Some children's favorites were included as well, including Treevus and Flotter, who were set to escort the children's hayride that started an hour before the adult's hayrides would begin. Quite a few departments were out on the trail in costumes to hand hand out candy and trinkets to the children who came through.
The decorations continued out of the arboretum and down the hall to Holodeck 3, where an adult's only party was gathered with a haunted house, dancing, and an opportunity to unwind.
Dani and Charlotte were dressed as fairy princesses and were standing at the beginning of the trail helping to get the first hayride loaded up with children and parents. The antigrav sled was ready to go and decorated to look like a tractor from the 20th century, painted a grass green color.
Tyler was ready and waiting in the zombie takeover area, having dressed up as an extremely convincing one himself: SFX makeup, ripped and torn clothing, the acting, he had it all down pat and couldn't wait to try and scare some kids and their parents as they came through.
Alexandra had tried to convince her parents not to follow her and Brunel to the hayride, saying it was too embarassing at their age to have mom and dad follow them around. But Sara and Nash had promised that they would stay a fair distance away. They just wanted to see everyone in their costumes and could NOT miss Brunel's first Halloween.
Alexandra limped up to the hayride in full-on character, dressed up a zombie with torn clothes and what looked like rotting flesh falling off of her face and hands. "Brains, I need BRAINS," she called out in a voice much deeper than her own.
Brunel walked stiffly, his arms outstretched, as he tried to emulate the Frankenstein monster, his face painted green, and he was dressed in clothes that seemed a bit too short for his limbs. He had programmed his amulet to recognize a simple hand movement, and what was heard was, "Rrrrrrraaaaaaggggghhhhhhrrrrrr!"
Dani laughed at the young teens. "You two look great! I love the commitment to your character. We'll hire you next year as actors for the course."
Brunel smiled at Dani, then signed a reply. "This is a fun holiday. We didn't have anything like this on my old world."
"Of the holidays, I think this one might be the one I think is the most fun," Charlotte said nodding as she thought about it. "I mean, that's kind of the whole point of it - to have fun."
The young teen nodded as he grinned. "In my studies, I found that one of the original reasons to dress up tonight, was to scare the evil spirits away."
Charlotte laughed good naturedly. "Yes, that is where it comes from. Though, Humans haven't thought that way for a long, long time."
Kas walked into the Arboretum with Keena. The girl had been so excited when the event had been announced. She said she wanted to be a Martian princess like the one in the holoprogram Bella had taken her in. She was wearing a green leotard with two prosthetic arms sticking out of her sides under her arms. Kas was in a John Carter costume that consisted of boots a loincloth, leather pauldrons, and a cloak. Kas adjusted the leather headband Keena had insisted completed his look.
"Papa, can I go on the hayride?" Keena asked
"Of course, Little Star. Kas smiled.
Once a year, Dr. J.R McEntyre took the chance to dress up, unwind and relax. He had dressed as Jack Skellington from the classic Earth movie, "The Nightmare before Christmas", painted face, suit and all. His tail swished as he gleefully skips down the trail, singing a song as he hands out candy to the children.
"Boys and girls of every age, Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see, This, our town of Halloween"
Dani smiled as Jack Skellington took over. "Okay everyone, let's load up for the hayride. Kids and parents too. Plenty of room for everyone!"
Brunel looked over at Alex and smiled as he signed a question, "Do you want to go on the hay ride, Alley?"
Alex nodded, "Uh huh."
Keena crouched before breaking into a running leap onto the wagon. Kas chuckled and hoisted himself up next to her.
"Hey Keena," Alexandra said as she climbed in behind her. "Hi Mr. Kas. What are you guys supposed to be?"
Brunel signed a greeting as well. "Hello Keena. Hello, Sir. Merry Halloween to you both!"
As the hayride got underway, the lights in the arboretum dimmed even more. The wagons turned a corner to find a large cauldron with a glowing liquid inside. Captain Johansen was standing over it dressed as a witch with a pointy black hat, long dress, and a prosthetic nose. She cackled when she saw the children approaching holding her hands up and wiggling her fingers in the direction of various faces as she talked.
"Happy Halloween my pretties. I am just cooking up a little spell. They say these gardens are haunted and there's a werewolf out there that I plan to turn into ... a TOAD!"
Brunel smiled and pointed to the witch, clapping excitedly. Alexandra giggled. "It's Remy," she couldn't help saying.
As the hayride continued to move forward, Remy chased after it cackling and laughing loudly. "Have fun my pretties!" She called out.
As the hayride turned the corner a white iridescent ghost floated up to hayride. "Hello! I'm Caspar. What's your name?" The ghost asked as it hovered over the different children learning everyone's names.
"I have a lot of friends in these gardens. Make sure you tell them hi for me. I'm so glad you stopped by today," Caspar said as he bobbed around making friends.
As the hayride continued along Caspar got a said look on his face, "Okay then. I guess it's time to say goodbye. Come back and see me soon!"
"Oh gosh. That story is sooo old," Alexandra said. "I bet this ride isn't going to be scary. We should ask mom and dad to go on the adult one so we can see the scary stuff."
"I am enjoying the hayride, Alex. My people did not have this activity, nor it's corresponding holiday."
"Oh it's fun," Alex said. "But don't you want to see the scary stuff the adults and teenagers are going to see. The zombies chasing you and jumping out and scaring you and stuff?" She whispered excitedly.
Brunel thought about this for a moment, then responded with a question of his own. "Wouldn't Mama and Papa have taken us with them to the haunted house, if they felt we were old enough?"
Alexandra shrugged. "It starts right after this one. We can ask. Unless you don't wanna."
Brunel took another moment to think, then smiled at his sister as he replied, "Let's ask!"
Alex grinned and nodded. Then she pointed ahead at a pumpkin patch and a group of old cartoon characters brought to life by hologram technology.
A boy with a red and black striped shirt who was carrying a blue blanket walked up to the hayride and announced, "He'll come here because I have the most sincere pumpkin patch and he respect sincerity!"
"Who will?" Brunel asked the hologram.
"The Great Pumpkin!" Linus exclaimed. "He'll bring all the good boys and girls treats and toys."
A blonde haired girl walked up and said very matter-of-factly. "He does this every year and the Great Pumpkin never comes, because it's just make-believe. However, for real tricks or treats you can ring your neighbor's doorbells!"
"But only if your costume is just right," added a dark-haired girl. The hologram looked around the wagon. "It seems everyone's costume suits them well. Let's go, Sally!"
Brunel looked at his sister, a confused expression on his face. "I do not know who this, Great Pumpkin is. Do you?"
"It's just a story. It's not really a thing. Aunt Remy must have put it in here. The last time I saw it was when she was still working with Dad from before," Alexandra said.
Brunel gave Alex a look, then responded. "I did not know the Captain was related to us." he pondered the thought for a beat, then followed up with a question. "Should I call her Aunt Remy too?"
"Sure you can. She's not related, related. She's just known Mom and Dad since I was born so she's like family. Sometimes she would do holidays with us when she couldn't go home to her real family and things too," Alex explained.
Brunel nodded as he listened to Alex explain the relationship between their family and Captain Johansen. Finally, he responded. "Perhaps, it would be best if I continued to refer to as Captain, until she says otherwise. I do not have the same relationship with her that you do."
"But you're family. She even helped you so you could stay on board and get adopted," Alexandra reminded him.
He nodded in agreement. "True, I do owe her a lot." he sat thinking for a bit more, as the hayride continued. "However, I think it would be more respectful to wait until she gives me permission to be more familiar with her."
Alex looked at her brother thoughtfully. "You don't owe anyone, Brunel. Everyone wanted to help you. We wanted you with us and in our family."
He nodded as he replied. "And it's a decision that none of you had to make. Because you chose to is what makes it so wonderful. I care deeply for each and every one of you." He paused a moment, then added, "You more than anyone else, as it was you who first made me feel safe. As much as I can...I love you. Wherever you go, whenever you need me, I'll be there to help you, in any way that I can."
"I love you too, Brunel. We'll always be there for each other. I didn't have any brothers or sister before you. Now we have each other," Alex replied with a grin.
As the tractor pulled the wagon around the last corner of the hayride the kids could hear Remy's witchy cackling again. When she came into view she announced, "My spell worked!!" And she threw a giant, and very realistic looking toad into the middle of the wagon. The toad blinked and looked around at its new surroundings while a couple of children shrieked, but mostly just laughed, little hands reaching out to pet the creature.
Brunel grinned as he looked at the holographic toad. He reached out to touch it, like the other children.
The overgrown toad let out a few croaks and jumped! First into Brunel's lap, then off of the wagon, disappearing into the gardens as the wagon finished up the tour, bringing everyone back to where those parents who hadn't gone along were waiting.
Brunel waited until the ride stopped, then climbed down with Alex. "What do you want to do now? Go find Mom and Dad? Have fun elsewhere in here?
"They're probably waiting for us. Do you wanna ask about the scary ride or just go home?" Alex asked.
Brunel considered the question, then shrugged. "Up to you. I'm equally happy to keep playing here, or going home." He then asked in kind, "What do you wish to do?"
Alexandra studied her brother's expression for a few seconds. "We can go home. But next year we do the scary one," she decided.
Brunel smiled and nodded. He then signed a reply. "I know there is still much I have to learn about how life is in our family. Thank you for being patient with me."
"Come on. Let's go home," she said taking his hand into hers and walking back to where they'd left their parents.
Captain Remy Johansen as Sara, Alexandra, the witch, various Halloween characters, Charlotte and Dani
Lt. Commander Razka Kas as himself and Keena
Ensign Tyler Williams (NPC of Eirly Anderson)
Brunel Winters (NPC of Spello)