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Away Team Member Osirin and an Open Comm, Part 4

Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 12:22am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant JG Isabella Rodriguez & Ensign Tyler Williams

1,564 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: Milano & Astrea
Timeline: MD 2 0100 Hours

continued from: Away Team Loses Osirin and Other Trouble, Part 3

Axel's Ship: The Milano

"Oooh, let's get the holodeck going," Mimi said, her voice lilting between excitement and seduction. She walked down the stairs, minding her steps carefully, as she continued to move her hips to the music. The drugs were making her feel alive, and even though on a normal day, the ship wasn't particularly colorful - the colors were popping and singing to her. Instead of red railing and edging, she was seeing 10-15 shades of magenta and pink glowing off of the surface everywhere that light touched it.

When she got to the main floor, she made a detour to a liquor cabinet that was next to a replicator and grabbed another bottle of blue liquor before heading back to the right of the stairs where the control panel for the holodeck was conveniently located.

She tried to press the commands to get the program she wanted, but the colors and the light were radiating from the panel so brightly she was having trouble distinguishing one button from the next. "Jaren!!" She pouted.

On his way to the panel Jaren casually brushed against Osirin's body, his left hand catching just below the small of Osirin's back. He muttered an apology as if it were an accident, and carried on to the panel to help Mimi. "You want to go to Blue Angel?" He asked, his deep voice almost matching the depth in his eyes when he looked at her.

"Yes please." She responded sweetly before the doors opened to reveal an upscale club with multiple stages and dance floors. The crowd was just the right size - large enough that you didn't feel alone - and so that Mimi could have an audience, but no where near as crowded as the club on Freecloud had become.

Mimi helped herself to a stage in the middle of one of the dance floors and began swinging herself around the pole, and flirting with her holographic audience.

Jaren gave Osirin a sideways glance. "And what are you in the mood for?"

Osirin's eyes cut between Jaren and Mimi liking what he saw and Jaren's accident had not been lost on him.

"I'm in the mood for a little dancing myself and then something involving just the three of us."

"Well maybe more than just the three of us, But you know what I mean."

Osirin continued, "As far as specifics, I'm sure we can find something mutually satisfying."

Jaren gestured wit his head to the stage where Mimi was dancing, and smacked Osirin on the ass, "Go on then."

"I will, but first, I need to use the bathroom. Where is the, what is the Terran name, the head?"

"Computer, show exit," Jaren called out, causing the holodeck to reveal the doors. Mimi frowned a little and slowed her dancing as she watched what was happening.

"You have to walk through the galley, then it's just over there," Jaren said pointing through the doors.

"Great. Thanks." Osirin replied. I shouldn't be long."

He took a long look at Mimi then turned and walked through the galley. Once he was inside that bathroom, he locked the door then pressed his comm badge.

/=\ Osirin to Astera. Can you read me?"/=\

Osirin did not get an indication that his commbadge was working; however, on Astrea the Chief Operations Officer was just starting to pick up a signal and they were working to track it down so that they could boost the signal and listen to any messages being sent.

/=\I don't have much time. Can anyone hear me, or am I on my own?/=\

The commbadge responded with a small burst of white noise, but nothing else.

"I guess I am on my own," Osirin thought to himself, but he didn't turn the commbadge off. There was always a chance that that would change. So he kept his comm badge activated as he stepped out of the bathroom making sure to use it before he departed.


As Axel's ship settled into it's destination point, Osirin's open comm link began to flicker just in and out of range of Astrea's sensors.

Daynah had a sharp eye on her console. At the moment ship's systems were performing better than normal. The Astrea was ready for anything and at the top of its game. Then the light flashed, it was the comm light. It flashed only a moment, just long enough to catch her attention. She returned the communications array and got it back this time it was steady. "Captain, I am receiving a signal from Osirin. It is garbled but there is something there."

"Osirin!" The Captain spring from her chair. "Are you certain. Where is the signal coming from? Can you do anything to clear it up?"

"Yes Captain confirmed. It is definitely Osirin. Working on clearing it up, the main issue is that the signal is coming in and out of range. When it is in range it seems to not say anything at all..." Daynah's voice trailed off as she looked at the console and then she cut in excitedly. "...See here!" For a brief moment the sounds of muffled words and static could be heard. There was not enough to make out a full message. But there was enough to confirm that the message was from Osirin and authentic. "It seems to be originating from a higher orbit from us. Perhaps a ship?"

Maxun listened to Daynah's report. When she was finished, he interjected, "Can you pinpoint his location, Lieutenant?"

"I can't seem to nail it down Commander. At the moment it is just above our dorsal. But, the transmission is not steady. It comes into range and is there and then gone the next moment. My best guess is that the message is coming from a cloaked vessel somewhere above us." Daynah replied to the XO.

Remy spoke up, "Is there anything we can do to boost the signal, other than try to get closer?" She asked. "I'm willing to try that if we need to, I just don't want to spook anyone. Lt. Rodriguez, prepare to start drifting us in that direction, but don't make any movements yet."

Daynah stood and looked at the image on the viewscreen. It was a series of clouds that they passed through as they ascended, and all at once the idea came to her. "As we ascend if we scan for breaches in the water droplets of the clouds we may be able to find the ship, if she is cloaked. A cloaked ship still has mass, and mass still interferes with water. We would most likely only get one shot at this. But if we can manage it we will know where the other ship is and I can focus our communications array to strengthen the signal."

"Makes sense. If we could be lucky enough that they are in a big enough ship, and in a good spot. I want to try it," Remy stated.

"Lieutenant Capulet, any additional thoughts or ideas?" Remy asked the chief science officer. "Lieutenant Ral is right, we get one shot at this, I want to come at it from all angles possible before we proceed."

"I am already ahead of you Lieutenant..." Daynah began with some excitement. "I used all of our sensor arrays to scan the pattern of droplets from the condensation. The computer has extrapolated a pattern as to where each and every drop should fall. It is similar to the program used in our weather satellites, the idea of randomness. We are ready to scan for the ship on your mark."

Chrys had been about to reply when the other Lieutenant had spoken. So she set her face into her blank mask and said "No Captain. Nothing to add. I will make sure Science is ready."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Capulet. I'd like you tapping in and keeping a primary eye on Starboard and aft sensors. Lieutenant Ral, you can focus on the Starboard and Forward directions."

"Commander Andersen, be prepared to deploy tachyon bursts if we find this vessel. It may be the easiest way to disrupt their shields for a quick transport if needed. We should assume that when we get into their vicinity, we'll raise some alarms," the captain ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Eirly had been standing at her own console and waiting for orders. She pressed a series of commands to prepare to fire if needed, "On standby."

The Captain looked over to Spello briefly giving him a nod, then walked forward taking a position just behind the ops and helm stations.

"Lieutenant Rodriguez, start taking us up, nice and slow," the Captain ordered.

"Aye Captain," Bella smiled, it was nice to pull bridge duty for a change. Her hands glided across the console and the ship rose slowly.

The Captain returned to her seat at the conn and turned to her right to face Spello and she pulled up her own holographic terminal. "Let's keep our eyes and ears open for his commbadge," she muttered to him.

Maxun nodded as he looked at his own control panel. "Sensors are activated and sweeping the away, Captain."



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